Charity, Meditations for a Month, by Father Richard Frederick Clarke, SJ

- Definition of Charity
- Charity, a Love of Friendship
- Charity, a Love of Complacency
- Charity, a Love of Benevolence
- Charity, a Love of Choice
- Charity, a Supreme Love
- The Disinterestedness of Charity
- Charity and Self-love
- The All-Importance of Charity
- The Spirit of Charity
- Charity in Our Actions
- The Patience of Charity
- The Kindness of Charity
- The Contentedness of Charity
- The Reasonableness of Charity
- The Lowliness of Charity
- The Self-Sacrifice of Charity
- The Meekness of Charity
- The Judgments of Charity
- The Attitude of Charity to Sin
- The Joy of Charity
- The Sufferings of Charity
- The Faith of Charity
- The Hopefulness of Charity
- The Resignation of Charity
- The Perseverance of Charity
- The Gratitude of Charity
- Charity, Our Protection
- The Charity of God
- The Charity of Jesus Christ
- Charity in Heaven
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- The text of this ebook is taken from Charity, Meditations for a Month by Father Richard Frederick Clarke, SJ.; the edition used for this text was published by the Australian Catholic Truth Society.
- The cover image is a detail of a stained glass window of Charity by Thomas Wilmshurt, 1849; it is in the chapel of the Ashlyns School, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, and was apparently first installed in the Foundling Hospital in London, England. It was photographed on 23 September 2017 by Cnbrb, and was swiped from Wikimedia Commons.