The Charity of God

Among all the Divine perfections, charity is the only one with which God our Lord absolutely identifies Himself. We do not read in the Word of God that God is power, or God is wisdom, but we do read, and this not once only, that God is charity (John 4:8, 26). God therefore desires that this aspect of His Divine Nature should be continually before our minds and that we should dwell on His love for us more than on any other of His attributes.

When God appeared on earth, it was but natural that the perfection most characteristic of His Divine Nature should manifest itself most clearly through the veil of His Humanity, that among the qualities acquired by His Sacred Humanity from the Hypostatic Union, the foremost should be that with which He most completely identifies Himself. Who can study our Lord's life on earth without recognizing above all His unbounded charity and the intensity of His love for us?

We notice another phase of this love in Jesus Christ that helps us to confidence in the love of God. His charity was above all a charity to sinners. He had a sort of preference for them; they were His friends and companions. He sought them out, and His charity to them knew no bounds. From this, we clearly learn the true nature of God's charity to man. God loves sinners now, He has always loved them, and He will always love them as He loved them when he was on earth. What confidence I should derive for myself from this thought and what charity and commiseration should I derive for others!

- text from Charity, Meditations for a Month by Father Richard Frederick Clarke, SJ