Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Father George Tickell

- Front Matter
- Translators Preface
- Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- First Day - Origin and Establishment of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Second Day - Abundant Graces Promised to Those Who Embrace This Devotion
- Third Day - Divine Love the Principal Effect of Devotion to the Sacred Heart
- Fourth Day - Object and End of the Devotion to the Heart of Jesus; Points of Difference and Resemblance in this Devotion and that of the Blessed Sacrament
- Fifth Day - Of the Nobility and Excellence of the Heart of Jesus
- Sixth Day - Of the Nobility and Excellence of the Heart of Jesus
- Seventh Day - Of the Nobility and Excellence of the Heart of Jesus
- Eighth Day - Tenderness of The Heart of Jesus for Men
- Ninth Day - Tenderness of the Heart of Jesus for Men
- Tenth Day - Riches of the Heart of Jesus
- Eleventh Day - Sorrows of the Heart of Jesus
- Twelfth Day - The Wound of the Heart of Jesus
- Thirteenth Day - Four Desires of the Heart of Jesus
- Fourteenth Day - What the Heart of Jesus Asks of Man
- Fifteenth Day - The Heart of Jesus Invites Us All to Him
- Sixteenth Day - Now We Should Approach the Heart of Jesus
- Seventeenth Day - The Heart of Jesus is an Unfailing Remedy Against Every Malady of Our Souls, Whatever May Be Their Disposition
- Eighteenth Day - Of the Agony of the Heart of Jesus in the Garden of Olives
- Nineteenth Day - Of the Agony of the Heart of Jesus in the Garden of Olives
- Twentieth Day - Souls Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Love to Meditate on His Passion
- Twenty-First Day - Ingratitude of Men Towards the Heart of Jesus
- Twenty-Second Day - Complaints of the Heart of Jesus
- Twenty-Third Day - Practice in Honour of the Heart of Jesus
- Twenty-Fourth Day - Devotion of the Saints Towards the Heart of Jesus
- Twenty-Fifth Day - Pictures of the Heart of Jesus
- Twenty-Sixth Day - Four Obstacles Which Prevent Our Obtaining Abundant Fruit from Devotion to the Sacred Heart
- Twenty-Seventh Day - Means of Surmounting the Obstacles to the Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Mortification
- Twenty-Eighth Day - Means of Obtaining Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. First Means: Prayer
- Twenty-Ninth Day - Second Means of Obtaining a Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Frequent Communion
- Thirtieth Day - Third Means of Obtaining a Devotion to the Sacred Heart; Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
- Thirty-First Day - Fourth Means of Obtaining Devotion to the Sacred Heart: A Great Devotion Towards the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Thirty-Second Day - Fifth Means of Obtaining a Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: A Particular Devotion to Saint Joseph, Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Aloysius
- Thirty-Third Day - Of the Zeal, which the Heart of Jesus Looks for in Those Who are Devoted to Him, in Spreading the Devotion to the Sacred Heart
- Conclusion - And He Shall Go In, and Go Out, and Shall Find Pastures
- Prayer of Mother Mary of the Incarnation
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- The text of this ebook was taken from the book Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, translated from the French of the 18th edition by Father George Tickell, SJ. The edition used was published by Richardson and Son of London, England in 1858.
- The book does not have an Imprimatur, but the front matter includes approval by Bishop William Turner, Diocese of Salford, England, 1 June 1858, and of Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman. The French version had the approbation of Archbishop Hyacinthe-Louis de Quélen, Archdiocese of Paris, France, 21 May 1836.
- The cover image is a statue of the Sacred Heart, date and artist unknown. It is in the Saint Andrew parish church in Neudingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, was photographed on 8 August 2019 by H. Zell, and the image swiped from Wikimedia Commons.