Prayer of Mother Mary of the Incarnation

It is by the Heart of my Jesus, my way, my truth, and my life, that I approach to Thee, O Eternal Father. Through this divine Heart, I adore Thee, in behalf of those who adore Thee not; I love Thee, in behalf of those who love Thee not; I acknowledge Thy goodness, in behalf of all those who, by voluntary blindness, slight Thy divine Majesty, and acknowledge not Thy favours. I would fain satisfy, through this divine Heart, for the duty of ail mankind. I traverse in spirit the whole world, in search of every soul, purchased by the most precious blood of my divine spouse; in order that I may make reparation to Thee for all, through this divine Heart. I embrace them all, in order to present them to Thee through Him; and through Him I beg of Thee their conversion. Wilt Thou suffer them. O Eternal Father, to refuse to acknowledge my Jesus; to refuse to live far Him, who has died for all? Thou seest, O divine Father, that they have no life, as yet. Ah! give them life, in this divine Heart.

Thou knowest, O Incarnate Word, my beloved Jesus! all that I would say to Thy Fattier by Thy divine Heart, and by Thy holy Soul. In saying it to Him, I say It to Thee; for Thou art in Thy Father, and Thy Father In Thee. Grant, then, in union with Him, all that I ask. I present to Thee all these souls: make them one with Thee.

- text taken from Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Father George Tickell