24 September • yesterday
• tomorrow

True progress consists in passing from small things to greater ones. - Saint Francis de Sales
Daily Bread #33, by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp
The Lives and Times of the Popes - Saint Urban I - A.D. 223
Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics, by Father Heinrich Theiler

Blessed Anton Martin Slomsek

Also known as

Anton Martin Slomshek


Born to a peasant family in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Seminarian at Klagenfurt, Austria. Ordained on 8 September 1824. Parish priest for five years. Spiritual director of the Klagenfurt seminary. Taught the Slovene language to seminarians; because the rulers of the empire spoke German, Slovenian was in danger of disappearing. Prince-bishop of Lavant, Austria (modern Maribor, Slovenia) on 30 May 1846, a diocese with a Slovene majority.

Bishop Slomsek began a campaign of patriotic education. He built new schools, encouraged Slovenian language and culture, wrote textbooks, and edited others. He founded a weekly newspaper, and published his sermons and episcopal statements. Founded the Saint Hermagoras Society publishing house to publish popular works in Slovenian. Today the region is nearly 100% literate, much of it due to Bishop Anton's good work.


26 November 1800 in Ponikva pri Zalcu, Savinjska, Slovenia


24 September 1862 in Maribor, Podravska, Slovenia of natural causes


• 19 September 1999 by Pope John Paul II at Maribor, Slovenia
• the first beatified Slovene


When I was born, my mother laid me on a bed of straw, and I desire no better pallet when I die, asking only to be in the state of grace and worthy of salvation. - Blessed Anton

Teacher and educator, writer and poet, biographer and critic, lover of his mother tongue and fighter for national equality, patriot, speaker and preacher, ecumenical worker and theological teacher of the Slovene people, priest and bishop. Slomsek's personality is like a mosaic, each stone has its own colour, its own function and size, but all together provide the image of a saint, that is a person who is open to the breath of the Holy Ghost, who prophetically understands the signs of the time and responds to them, who understands how to use all natural and supernatural means to realise the kingdom of God on earth. - Dr Franc Kramberger, Bishop of Maribor, Slovenia, 1999


Our Lady of Walsingham

Also known as

Virgin by the Sea


In 1061 Lady Richeldis de Faverches, lady of the manor near the village of Walsingham, Norfolk, England, was taken in spirit to Nazareth. There Our Lady asked her to build a replica, in Norfolk, of the Holy House where she had been born, grew up, and received the Annunciation of Christ's impending birth. She immediately did, constructing a house 23'6" by 12'10" according to the plan given her. Its fame slowly spread, and in 1150 a group of Augustinian Canons built a priory beside it. Its fame continued to grow, and for centuries it was a point of pilgrimage for all classes, the recipient of many expensive gifts.

In 1534 Walsingham became one of the first houses to sign the Oath of Supremacy, recognizing Henry VIII as head of the Church in England. Dissenters were executed, and in 1538 the House was stripped of its valuables, its statue of the Virgin taken to London, England to be burned, its buildings used as farm sheds for the next three centuries.

In 1896 Charlotte Boyd purchased the old Slipper Chapel and donated it to Downside Abbey. In 1897 Pope Leo XIII re-founded the ancient shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, and pilgrimages were permitted to resume. The statue of Our Lady was re-enshrined in 1922, beginning an era of cooperation at the shrine between Catholics and Anglicans. In 1981 construction began on the Chapel of Reconciliation, a cooperative effort between the two confessions, and located near the shrine. The feast of Our Lady of Walsingham was reinstated in 2000. In 2012 the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter for Anglicans joining the Church was given its patron as the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Our Lady of Walsingham.


• England
• East Anglia, England, diocese of
• Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter


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Feast of Our Lady of Mercy

Also known as

• Nuestra Señora de la Merced
• Our Lady of Ransom


Commemorates the foundation of the Mercedarian Order and the apparition of Our Lady of Ransom. In this appearance she carried two bags of coins for use in ransoming Christians imprisoned by Moors. On 10 August 1218, the Mercedarian Order was legally constituted at Barcelona, Spain by King James of Aragon, and was approved by Pope Gregory IX on 17 January 1235. The Mercedarians celebrated their institution on the Sunday nearest to 1 August because it was on 1 August 1218 that the Blessed Virgin showed Saint Peter Nolasco the white habit of the Order. This custom was approved by the Congregation of Rites on 4 April 1615. On 22 February 1696 it was extended to the entire Latin Church, and the date changed to 24 September.


• Bahía Blanca, Argentina, archdiocese of
• Barcelona, Spain
• Dominican Republic


YouTube PlayList


Blessed José Ramón Ferragud Girbes


Baptized at the age of two days at his parish church of Saint James the Apostle. Lifelong layman in the archdiocese of Valencia, Spain. Married on 21 January 1914 to Josefa Borras Borras. Father of eight children. Attended daily Mass, and was active in the lay apostolates in his parish including the Union of Catholic Workers, serving as a catechist, writing about the conditions of Christians in Spain, and standing guard to protect churches. Arrested several times by anti–Catholic miitia men, and eventually martyred in the Spanish Civil War. He died shouting “Viva Christo Rey!” (Long live Christ the King!)


10 October 1887 in Algemesí, Valencia, Spain


shot on 24 September 1936 in Alzira, Valencia, Spain


11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II


Blessed William Spenser

Additional Memorial

• 29 October as one of the Martyrs of Douai
• 22 November as one of the Martyrs of England, Scotland, and Wales


Raised in an Anglican family. Studied at Trinity College, Oxford, England but left in 1580 and joined the Catholic Church in 1582. Studied at the seminary in Reims, France. Ordained as a priest in the apostolic vicariate of England on 24 September 1583. Father William returned to England to ministery to covert Catholics on 29 August 1584 where he brought his family to the Church. For a while Blessed Robert Hardesty hid and supported him. William turned himself in to authorities in York for the crime of being a priest in England so he could minister to other prisoners. Martyr.


c.1555 in Gisburn, Lancashire, England


hanged on 24 September 1589 in York, North Yorkshire, England


22 November 1987 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Gerard Sagredo

Also known as

• Apostle of Hungary
• Gerard of Hungary
• Collert, Gerardo, Gellért


Benedictine monk. Abbot at San Giorgio Maggiore abbey, Venice, Italy. He passed through Hungary while on a pilgrimage to Palestine. There he met with King Saint Stephen who persuaded him to stay and minister to the Magyars. Tutor of Prince Saint Emeric. First bishop of Csanad, Hungary in 1035. Martyred during the pagan backlash that followed the death of Saint Stephen.


23 April 980 in Venice, Italy


• stabbed to death with a lance on 24 September 1046 at Buda, Hungary
• body thrown into the Danube River
• surviving relics enshrined in the Basilica of San Donato in Murano, Venice, Italy


1083 by Pope Saint Gregory VII




Blessed Encarnación Gil Valls


Lay woman in the archdiocese of Valencia, Spain. Baptized on the day of her birth, she was confirmed at age 5 and made her first Communion at 11, all in her parish church of Santa Maria. She considered religious life, but realized a vocation of helping her brother who as a parish priest. Taught elementary school. Member of Catholic Action the Daughters of Mary, a catechist, she was devoted to Eucharistic adoration. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.


27 January 1888 in Ontinyent, Valencia, Spain


shot on the night of 24 September 1936 at the port of L'Ollería, Valencia, Spain


11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Pacificus of San Severino


Son of Antonio M Divini and Mariangela Bruni, both of whom died when Pacificus was about 3 years old, leaving him to be raised by an uncle. Joined the Franciscans in December 1670. Ordained in 1678. Professor of philosophy, teaching novices. Parish mission preacher. His health failed and he spent his final 29 years lame, deaf and blind, leading a contemplative life. Received visions and ecstasies. Miracle worker.


1 March 1653 at San Severino, Italy


24 September 1721 at San Severino, Italy


4 August 1786 by Pope Pius VI


26 May 1839 by Pope Gregory IX


Saint Terence of Pesaro

Also known as



Fled to across the Adriatic Sea Italy to escape persecutions in Pannonia (modern Hungary in the early 3rd century. Bishop of Pesaro, Italy. Martyr.


c.210 in Pannonia (modern Hungary)


• 24 September 247 at Pesaro, Italy
• relics enshrined in the cathedral of Pesaro


Pesaro, Italy


• young soldier holding a palm and a red and white flag
• young soldier holding the city of Pesaro, Italy


Saint Isarnus of Toulouse

Also known as

• Isarnus of Marseille
• Isarno of...
• Ysarn of...


Educated at Saint Victor's, Marseilles, France. Benedictine monk at Saint Victor's. As abbot at Saint Victor's he revitalized spiritual life and devotion to the Rule; his house became the center of a great Benedictine revival in the region. Famous for his charity and his prison ministry. Secured the release of the monks of the Lérins Abbey when it was captured by Saracens.


at Marseilles, Provence (in modern France)


1048 at Marseilles, Provence (in modern France)


Blessed Colomba Matylda Gabriel

Also known as

Janina Matylda Gabriel


Founder of the Benedettine di Caritá (Benedictine Sisters of Charity).


3 May 1858 at Ivano-Frankivsk, Poland (now in Ukraine) as Janina Matylda Gabriel


24 September 1926 at Rome, Italy of natural causes


16 May 1993 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Anathalon of Milan

Also known as

Anatalone, Anatelon, Anatalo, Anatolo, Anatolio, Anatalofle, Anatelofl, Anatolofle


Spiritual student of Saint Barnabas the Apostle. First-century bishop of Milan, Italy, assigned by Saint Barnabas. Evangelized the entire region.


Brescia, Italy


Blessed Robert Hardesty

Additional Memorial

22 November as one of the Martyrs of England, Scotland, and Wales


Layman, martyred for the crime of hiding and supporting the work of Blessed William Spenser.


Yorkshire, England


hanged on 24 September 1589 in York, North Yorkshire, England


22 November 1987 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Antonio González


Dominican priest. Missionary to Japan. Martyr.


1593 in León, Spain


24 September 1637 at Nagasaki, Japan


18 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Coprio


Abandoned as an infant on a dungheap (Greek: koprìa) by his parents, the boy was found and rescued by monks of the nearby monastery of Saint Theodosius in Bethleham. The monks named him Coprio, and raised him as their own. He grew become a model of holiness, living his 90 years in the monastery. Monk.


Saint Paphnutius of Egypt


Hermit. During the persecutions of Diocletian, Paphnutius came out of the wilderness to stand with his fellow Christians. Martyr.


tortured on a rack then hanged from a palm tree in 303 in Egypt


Saint Ysarn of Saint Victor


Benedictine monk and then abbot of Saint Victor Abbey in Marseilles, France, which flourished under him.


Toulouse, France




Saint Andochius of Autun


Second-century priest in Smyrna. Missionary in the area of Autun in Gaul (modern France), assigned by Saint Polycarp. Martyr.




Saint Thyrsus of Autun


Second-century deacon in Smryna. Missionary in the area of Autun in Gaul (modern France), assigned by Saint Polycarp. Martyr.




Saint Lupus of Lyons


Monk near Lyons, France. Archbishop of Lyons. Suffered in the turmoil which followed the death of Saint Sigismund of Burgundy.




Saint Felix of Autun


Rich, second-century merchant in Autun, France. Convert. Assisted and supported missionaries in his region. Martyr.




Saint Rusticus of Clermont

Also known as



Bishop of Clermont, France from 426 to 446.




Saint Erinhard


Monk. Prior.


Normandy, France


739 in the diocese of Fontenelle, France


Martyrs of Chalcedon


Forty-nine Christian choir singers of the church in Chalcedon in Asia Minor who were martyred together in their persecutions of Diocletian.




Martyred in the Spanish Civil War

Thousands of people were murdered in the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War from 1934 to 1939. I have pages on each of them, but in most cases I have only found very minimal information. They are available on the CatholicSaints.Info site through these links:

Blessed Antonio Pancorbo López
Blessed Esteban García y García
Blessed José María Ferrándiz Hernández
Blessed Juan Francisco Joya Corralero
Blessed Luis de Erdoiza Zamalloa
Blessed Manuel Gómez Contioso
Blessed Melchor Rodríguez Villastrigo
Blessed Pascual Ferrer Botella
Blessed Rafael Rodríguez Mesa
Blessed Santiago Arriaga Arrien

Also celebrated but no entry yet

• Our Lady of Val Camonica
• Dalmazio Moner
• Robert of Knaresborough
• Wolfgang of Steinkirchen

CatholicSaints.Info Portable Edition