Acts of the Preparation

Invocation of the Holy Ghost

Come, Holy Ghost, have compassion on my poverty, in order that, illuminated, moved, and guided by Thee, 1 may make my prayer well. Come, enlighten my intellect, inflame my heart, and convert my will, that my prayer may contribute to Thy glory and to my own spiritual advancement.

Invocation of the Blessed Virgin

O Mary, my good and tender Mother, thou who didst continually ponder in thy heart the words of Jesus, thou whose life was uninterrupted prayer, assist me in acquitting myself of this holy exercise in conformity with thy desire and with that of thy Divine Son.

Invocation of the Guardian Angel

Angel Guardian, thou who beholdest unceasingly the countenance of the Lord, thou who always standest in His holy presence, faith teaches me that thou art given tome as my light, my guide, and my helper; assist me, therefore, in the interview that I am about to have with my God.

Act of Faith in the Presence of God

O my God, I firmly believe that Thou art here present. Thou dost penetrate my whole being. I am before Thee as if I were alone in this world. Thou dost see me, hear me, and know my most secret thoughts.

(If the meditation is made before the Blessed Sacrament, the following act is to be added.)

O my God, I believe that Thou art really present in the Most Holy Sacrament, and that Thou dost actually direct toward me from Thy tabernacle the same regard of tenderness which Thou didst so mercifully cast upon Thy disciples, and even upon sinners, during Thy mortal life.

Act of Adoration

Prostrate before Thy Infinite Majesty, I adore Thee, O my God, as my Creator and the sovereign Lord of all things. I acknowledge with delight Thy supreme dominion over me and all creatures. Glory, honor, love, and submission be to Thee, the King of Heaven, at all times and in all places! During this audience I unite my adoration and homage with those of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Virgin, of the whole heavenly court, of the souls in Purgatory, of all the faithful upon earth, and in particular with those of the persons here present.

(If the meditation is made before the Blessed Sacrament, the following act is to be added.)

I adore Thee, O Jesus, present in the Holy Eucharist. I acknowledge Thee as my Savior and sovereign Lord. In union with the angels and saints surrounding Thy throne of mercy, I exclaim: "Praise and adoration be forever to Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament!"

Act of Humility

But who am I, O my God, that I dare to appear before Thee? Thou art All and I am but nothingness and weakness. I have nothing of my own but my infidelities. Without Thee I cannot so much as conceive a good thought.

Act of Contrition

O Jesus, my Savior, who did die on the cross to atone for my sins, I deplore my waywardness in the bitterness of my soul. Have mercy on me and pardon my ingratitude; deign to apply to my soul the merits of Thy holy Passion; grant that I may resolve, in this meditation, never more to relapse into sin, in order that I may obtain mercy on the day of judgment.

Act of Thanksgiving

I thank Thee, O my God, for all the graces and benefits Thou hast bestowed on me to this day. I thank Thee particularly for my vocation, and for the singular favor Thou dost presently grant me in admitting me to this celestial audience.

Act of Confidence

O my God, Thou didst command me to call Thee by the sweet name of Father; I come, therefore, O Father, to ask of Thee, with the most childlike confidence, whatever is necessary to converse worthily with Thee during this meditation. Captivate my attention, enlighten my understanding, inflame my heart, direct and strengthen my will, that I may lose none of the fruits Thou dost intend to bestow upon me during this holy exercise.

Act of Union with Our Lord

O my Savior, I wish to perform this holy exercise with the intentions and dispositions Thou didst have when praying to Thy heavenly Father during Thy mortal life, and which Thou hast now while praying in our tabernacles. Thou art our spiritual Head, and I am a member of Thy Mystical Body. Meditate, I beseech Thee, through this member, however unworthy it be; ask of Thy heavenly Father, through me and for me, whatever is at this moment most necessary and useful for my soul. Amen.

- taken from Catechism of Mental Prayer, by Father Joseph Simler