The Secret of the Rosary, by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
![The Secret of the Rosary, by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort](cover.jpg)
- 1st Decade
- 2nd Decade
- 3rd Decade
- 4th Decade
- 5th Decade
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- The text of these files was taken from the book The Admirable Secret of the Rosary, by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. The edition used was translated by Mary Barbour, T.O.P.
- The edition used has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Thomas Edmundus Molloy, S.T.D., Diocese of Brooklyn, New York, 16 July 1954.
- The cover image is a detail of the oil painting Kobiety modlace sie w kruchcie (Women praying in the porch) by Mieczyslaw Reyzner, 1902. It is currently in the National Museum of Kraków, Poland. The image was swiped from Wikimedia Commons.
- The rose images are assorted jpg's taken from the Roses by color category of Wikimedia Commons.