More than three centuries ago a saintly French priest, Louis Lallemant, S.J., designed for himself and his spiritual children a special form of devotion to Saint Joseph. Into it he wove the elements of meditation, self-discipline, and concentration upon the great mysteries of the Faith associated with the Incarnation of the Word of God. Two features of this devotion are remarkable: its simplicity, and its profundity. Any child can practice it in its simplest form, and make spiritual progress; the most learned theologian will be attracted to the devotion as a perfect opportunity for growth in spiritual stature.
The form of this devotion can be easily outlined: four times a day one makes an imaginary visit to Saint Joseph. This visit can be made any place at all - at home, on a bus, while walking to work or waiting for an appointment. During the first visit, one recalls Saint Josephs fidelity to grace, thanks God for the sublime correspondence with grace which Saint Joseph always practiced, asks help to imitate his fidelity, and mentions the specific favor being sought through his intercession. The pattern for the other three visits is the same, with attention directed, in the second visit, to Saint Joseph's fidelity to the interior life; in the third, to his devotion to Our Lady; and in the fourth, to his devotion to the Divine Child.
Within the past few years, thousands of Saint Joseph's clients have been honoring him by the practice of this devotion. Favors of both a material and a spiritual nature have been so numerous that it seems Saint Joseph has merely to present a request to his Divine foster Son and it is granted. This should cause no one surprise. As the Christ of Nazareth offered prompt obedience to His foster father throughout the years of His hidden life, so now in heaven He listens to each request of Saint Joseph as if it were a command. Everyone is familiar with the confidence which Saint Teresa of Avila placed in Saint Joseph. She could boast that she had never asked him for anything which she did not receive.
We can readily understand the degree of Saint Joseph's intercessory power when we reflect on the teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas that the intercession of the saints is proportioned to their degree of glory in heaven, or to their union with God. Excepting only God's masterpiece of grace, our Blessed Lady, Saint Joseph was placed by Divine Providence in a position closer to the Incarnate Word than any other saint. By one pope after another his heavenly glory has been proclaimed and extolled. Confidently, then, may his clients expect from him prompt and powerful intercession on their behalf.
No specific prayers are required for this devotion. It is hoped that the reflections which are here presented may serve to stimulate further contemplation of the virtues of this beloved saint, who exemplifies so inspiringly the ideal described by Christ in His Sermon on the Mount. May God grant to all who reflect upon Saint Joseph the grace to reflect him in their thoughts, their words, their entire conduct of life, so that, in union with him, they may enjoy union with his Divine foster Son for all eternity. Let us repeat that the prayers as worded here are merely a suggestion. It will often be more beneficial to the person following this devotion if he composes his own prayers, using the sentiments that spring from his heart as a result of his meditation upon the life of Saint Joseph.
- taken from Reflecting on Saint Joseph: A Nine-Day Devotion, by Sister Emily Joseph Daly, C.S.J.