Rosary Devotions - Day 12 - The Visitation

"And whence is this to me that the Mother of My Lord should come to me?" - Luke 1:43

As we picture the meeting of Saint Elizabeth and our Blessed Lady we must be deeply impressed with the unselfish charity of our Mother Mary! The most unique gift granted by God to mortal woman was now possessed by Mary, the most sublime of all dignity is hers. After a thanksgiving of unparalleled fervor Mary promptly sets out on a visit of charity and felicitation to the expectant mother of John the Baptist. Not Mary, but Heaven reveals to Saint Elizabeth the truth that Mary is the Mother of God! Mary had come to diffuse her kindly aid and sweet benediction upon Elizabeth, not to parade her own unapproachable excellence. Her humility shrank from the latter, her charity prompted the former.

Whither thus in holy rapture
Princely Maiden art thou bent?
Why so fleetly art thou speeding
Up the mountain's rough ascent?
Filled with the eternal God-head
Glowing with the Spirit's flame!
Love it is that bears thee forward.
And supports thy tender frame.

Lo! thine aged cousin claims thee
Claims thy sympathy and care;
God her shame from her hath taken;
He hath heard her fervent prayer.
Blessed Mother! joyful meeting!
Thou in her, the hand of God,
She in thee, with lips inspired
Owns the "Mother of her Lord."

Friday - The Sorrowful Mysteries

Saint Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And you, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl the world for the ruin of souls. Amen. – Pope Leo XIII

To thee, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our tribulation, and having implored the help of thy most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke thy patronage also. Through that charity which bound thee to the immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which thou embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg thee to graciously regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with thy power and strength to aid us in our necessities. O most watchful Guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; O most loving father, ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence; O our most mighty protector, be propitious to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness; and, as once thou rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by thy constant protection, so that, supported by thy example and thy aid, we may be able to live piously, to die holy, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.

- text taken from The Rosary Devotions for Every Day by Father Mark J Smith, SJ, International Catholic Truth Society, 1924; audio is from Rosary Army