Mary: The Perfect Woman, Rhythm LXII - Eve

With Jesus blessing, Mary standing by,
Still fluttering on the air his parting sigh,
Still on his lips the smile of ecstasy,
His head supported ever-tenderly,
The tear still glittering in Mary's eye -

When rings in Limbo that glad jubilee
Of Saints expectant. Joseph hears a sigh
Reaching from earth above. A tender cry
Of love and sorrow, penetratingly
Stirs through his spirit's depth. Oh, verily,

Tis Mary's spiritual touch, and he
Her wishes knows in fullest clarity.
He cannot answer, but her prayer can he
Fulfill. Than light more swift descendeth he
Into the Lower Regions, joyously.

* * *

'Mid countless generations mournfully
Sitteth the Mother of Mankind. Oh, see
How she is waited on; how tenderly
Do all her valiant daughters strive to be
Consolers in her unquenched misery.

Sarah remindeth of the prophecy
To Abram given, when, on Moriah he
His Son would sacrifice obediently:
'Thus, faithful in his deeds, became not he
The Father of the Faithful, righteously?'

'And, Reverend Mother, surely, I am she
Who bore the Promised Seed in Isaac. He
Was faithful also; and posterity
Praiseth Rebecca, who in mystery
The blessing stole for Jacob's progeny.'

Then Thamar kneeling: 'Mother, blame not me
For indiscretion, nor for infamy.
The Spirit of our God instructed me,
And urged me thus to compass secretly
The marriage-law which Juda owed to me.'

- text taken from Mary: The Perfect Woman, by Emily Mary Shapcote