Mary: The Perfect Woman, Rhythm XLVI - The Sibyl's Testimony: No. II

The Delphian Sibyl, unreservedly
Thus chanteth of this sacred Mystery:
'Within the Spotless Virgin's Bosom, He
Without a Father shall begotten be -
He who God is, through all Eternity.'

The Sibyl Tiburtine, thus, wondrously:
'Lo, from the Land of Naz'reth riseth she
Whose Bosom Pure is preordained to be
The Dwelling of th' Incarnate God - and He
On Bethl'em's plain shall manifested be.'

Singeth the Erythraean Sibyl: 'See;
Behold the Son of God: from Heaven comes He
A noble Hebrew Virgin shall it be
Who to her God shall give Maternity -
Virgin and Mother both, alone is she.'

Hark; the Cimmerian Sibyl: 'See,
Tender in years, beauteous in Face is she,
The Virgin-Mother, who will tenderly
Nourish with milk, the King upon her knee -
The Angels' King from all eternity.'

The Samian Sibyl: ' Riseth presently
The Day-dawn, scattering darkness. Lo, I see
Approach the King of Life, who touched shall be
By mortals - for a Virgin-Mother He
Will choose, whose Breast His hiding-place shall be.'

Crieth the Persian Sibyl joyously:
'Born of a Virgin-Mother shall He be
The Prince of Bliss. The only One is He
To bear Salvation to the fallen - He
Shall ride the Ass's foal right regally.'

And yet one more; the Cumaean Sibyl, she
Sings of the Holy One's Humility:
'Humble in all things, lo, God's Son shall be,
Born of a Virgin Pure: and she shall be
The Mother of His choosing: blest is she.'

- text taken from Mary: The Perfect Woman, by Emily Mary Shapcote