Mary: The Perfect Woman, Rhythm XL - The Might of Intercession

Oh, Might of Intercession, that shall be
The stronghold of our weak humanity;
Strength that is Godlike, likest unto Thee
Who, with strong cries and tears, ceased not to be
The Pleader for Thy brethren, mightily.

In Jesus, Man with God doth, verily,
An Intercessor prove. His Strength doth lie
In knowledge of the creature's nothing. He,
Even He, is heard, for that He reverently
Abased is before Divinity.

And yet to Him, in His Humanity,
Is given all Power in earth and Heaven: to be
Poured out in judgment, e'en as all shall be
Under His rule. Oh, endless dignity;
Oh, endless crown; oh, endless Deity.

That which our Lord in His Humanity
Was to His Godhead, so to Him would be
His Sacred Mother. Human alone was she,
Yet strong in grace, and in integrity -
From Him receiving strength and dignity.

Mother of Intercession thou wilt be,
Since thou art God's Own Mother - for in thee
Is fixed the golden chain of sympathy
That links our earth with Heaven. Verily,
Strong in thy strength, dear Mother, we may be.

For Jesus loves - oh, loveth tenderly
Those whom He seeks with so great charity;
The weak, the poor, the helpless: such were we
Whom in the wilderness He found, and He
Binds up our wounds, and heals us soothingly.

He is our Father, and our Mother, she -
Our Parents both be they; their offspring we:
And as a Mother intercedes, so she,
Who is the Mirror of her Son, shall be
Heard for her reverence, unfailingly.

- text taken from Mary: The Perfect Woman, by Emily Mary Shapcote