Mary: The Perfect Woman, Epilogue

- Apocalypse 1:13-17; 10:7; 20:9,10

The Eagle of Patmos hath pierced the dark ages,
   And gazed on the Mystery woeful of Sin;
In the Light Beatific were written those pages
   Which lends them a glory without and within.
For the light which first fell on his luminous gaze
   Was the Vision of Jesus, the Friend of the Past;
The Master adored in those long-ago days,
   Now in Glorified Nature the First and the Last.
Upborne in the spirit 'mid Splendours eternal,
      His eagle-eyed view gageth wonders sublime;
Undimmed by the vapours of malice infernal,
   Unchecked, undisturbed by the spectres of time.
For lo, on that mystical picture, engraven
   The Truth of All-being created, is seen -
Tis the Mystery of Godliness stooping from Heaven,
   To crush out for ever the Mystery of Sin.


- text taken from Mary: The Perfect Woman, by Emily Mary Shapcote