First Point - He who is unwilling to pardon the injuries done to him, should not expect pardon for his own sins, and consequently should not hope for salvation. He alone can seek to be revenged who has no need of the pardon of God. But where can such a one be found? Sinners that we are, our only hope of salvation is in the mercy of God. But how can we hope that mercy will be shown toward us, when we do not show mercy toward others. Thou hast promised Thy mercy unto us, O Lord, provided we, in our turn, show mercy toward our brethren. "For give, and you shall be forgiven." (Luke 6:37) We can not enter heaven save by the door of mercy, and we but close it on ourselves when we close it on our brethren.
Second Point - The revengeful man renders useless even the most efficacious means of salvation. Prayer and the sacraments, those most salutary remedies, are unavailing in his regard; he can not pray without condemning himself; his prayer is only a horrible imprecation, for he asks his own damnation from God. What a prayer! He asks God to forgive him his trespasses, as he forgives them who trespass against him; and, as he is, unwilling to forgive them who trespass against him, he asks in reality that God should never pardon him, and that He should cast him into hell with the damned. Can Satan do or wish greater evil to the revengeful man than he does or wishes to himself?
Third Point - The sacrifice of the revengeful man is not acceptable to God. "Go first to be reconciled to thy brother; and then coming thou shalt offer thy gift." (Matthew 5:24) The blood that Jesus Christ offers daily on our altars where He Himself is priest and victim, although of infinite value, can not obtain pardon for him who refuses to pardon his brother. On the contrary, the blood of this innocent Abel cries aloud for vengeance on this murderous Cain who seeks to be revenged. The sacraments are useless to the revengeful man. All the virtue of the merits of Christ, and the efficacy of His graces, which are contained in these salutary remedies, can not heal or justify his heart, if he does not soften toward his brethren. The revengeful man will never possess the grace of God, if he does not show mercy toward those who have offended him; and the absolution of the priest will only add to his sins, unless it is preceded by a sincere reconciliation between him and his enemy.
Examine your conscience to see if you have not often refused to pardon the offences of others.
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. - Matthew 5:7
He who refuses pardon to his brother, makes it impossible for God to pardon him. - Saint Leo the Great
- text taken from Meditations for Every Day in a Month, by Father François Nepveu