
We promised the devout readers of Venerable Père Eymard's Bibliotheqae du Saint-Sacrament to give them what remains of his writings.

The following are his Meditations on the Blessed Virgin, whom he looked up on as a special model for devotion toward the Holy Eucharist. To sum up all the bonds that unite Mary to our Eucharistic Jesus, he has given her the title: Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is particularly for religious and, above all, for servants of the Blessed Sacrament that he has written. All our as sociates, all those devoted to the Eucharist, will find in his pious effusions incentives to the love of Mary. They will, above all (and this is Père Eymard's main object), learn to unite in their homage Mary and the Eucharistic Jesus, to practice all their Eucharistic duties in union with and under the protection of the Blessed Virgin.

We shall publish these Meditations as a Month of Mary, a form generally received, and which will facilitate the circulation of his thoughts. To conform to custom, we have added to each Meditation an aspiration and a practice. We have tried to preserve unity throughout the work, and it is Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament who will make these examples, practices, and aspirations known and loved.

We must, furthermore, justify the new title given to Mary by Père Eymard, and this is done in the Appendix to this volume. There we shall produce reasons to authorize the invocation of Mary, as the Virgin of the Eucharist. This unique title has, moreover, been blessed by several venerable prelates. We know that the august Pius IX loved and blessed it. Let us, then, say frequently and confidently:

"Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Mother and Model of Adorers, pray for us who have recourse to thee!"

- from Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, by Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard