My Bible History - Old Testament #63 - Mathathias and Judas Machebeus

Judas Machabeus took Jerusalem, purified the Temple, and consecrated the altar.During the rule of Antiochus, there lived in Judea a priest named Mathathias. He and his five sons were aroused by the evils committed by the King, and resolved to deliver their people from the Syrians.

Mathathias cried out, "Let everyone that has zeal for the Law follow me!" He and his sons fled to the mountains where many Jews joined them. Finally they attacked the army of Antiochus, and destroyed the idols he had set up.

Mathathias was a good father as well as a good leader for his people. When he was near death, he called his sons, to say, "My sons, be zealous for the Law. Give your lives for the Law of your fathers. None who trust in God perish." Then blessing them, he died. All Israel mourned his death, for he was a great leader.

At the death of Mathathias, his son Judas became the leader of the Jews. Because of his bravery, Judas was called Machabeus. He continued the attacks began by his father against the foreign rulers. One after another he defeated the Syrian generals sent by Antiochus. Once a great army was sent against him, and his men were afraid because they were few. But Judas said, "Fear not; the Lord Himself will overthrow them before our face."

Finally Judas and his followers took Jerusalem. The Syrians had defiled the Temple; and so Judas again purified it and consecrated the altar.

Antiochus was furious that his armies had been defeated and he had lost possession of Judea. Gathering a big army, he led it against Jerusalem. He was firmly resolved to destroy the city and all its people. But on the way he fell from his chariot and hurt himself. He was also stricken with a terrible plague of worms.

Antiochus, knowing that he was being punished by God, pretended to be humble. He even promised to make amends for the evils he had committed. His repentance, however, was insincere. After many terrible torments, he died.

No power on earth can prevail against the works of God. Many powerful rulers have striven to destroy the Church of God, but sooner or later they have been punished by God, as Antiochus was punished.

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines