My Bible History - Old Testament #61 - The Punishment of Aman

Mardochai received great honor, with Aman leading his horse through the streets of the city.When the servants read how Mardochai had saved his life, the king asked. "What reward has been given him?" But the servants answered that nothing had been done.

Just then Aman entered. The king asked him, "What should be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor?"

In his pride, Aman thought that the king meant him, and eagerly answered, "He should be clothed in the king's apparel, and be set upon the king's horse, and have the royal crown on his head. Let the first of the nobles hold his horse, and leading him through the city, proclaim: Thus shall he be honored, whom the king wishes to honor."

Assuerus therefore said, "Go, then, and do everything you have advised, to Mardochai the Jew." Aman had to obey the king. That day Mardochai received great honor, with Aman himself leading his horse through the streets of the city. How angry and jealous Aman was!

That evening, Assuerus and Aman went to the queen's banquet. The king asked, "What is your wish, Esther? Although you ask the half of my kingdom, it shall be given you."

But Esther only begged, "If you will, spare my life, and the lives of my people. For we have an enemy, who desires to destroy us."

When Assuerus asked who their enemy was, Esther replied, "It is this Aman that is our most wicked enemy."

Full of anger, Assuerus called his servants. One of them said, "Behold, Aman has prepared a gibbet from which to hang Mardochai." The king commanded, "Hang Aman upon it." This was done, and Esther's people were saved.

Mardochai succeeded to the honors that had been given Aman. Laws against the Jews were withdrawn, and many turned from adoration of idols to the worship of the true God.

Esther was a type of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who intercedes for us with Almighty God. As Esther was freed from the rigors of the law, so Mary was freed from all stain of original sin, which is the lot of the rest of mankind. As the King said, "This law is not for you, but for all others."

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines