My Bible History - Old Testament #60 - Queen Esther Before the King

King Assuerus said to Esther, 'Do not fear; this law is not made for you, but for all others.'Many Jews stayed in Babylon when their countrymen returned to Judea. Among these were Mardochai and the niece that he had adopted, Esther. The king, Assuerus, married Esther, and made her his queen.

In order to be near Esther, Mardochai used to stand near the gate of the palace. One day he heard two servants plotting to murder the king. He hastened to Esther with the news. She told the king, and the servants were punished. This event was written down in the book containing the story of the kingdom.

The favorite of the king was Aman, a very proud man. He wanted everybody to admire him, and to bow down before him when he passed. But Mardochai would not bow, wishing to reserve that honor to God alone. In revenge Aman resolved to have Mardochai and all the Jews killed. Mardochai therefore sent word to Esther, asking her to plead for her people before Assuerus.

At that time there was a law forbidding anyone's coming before the king unless called. If the law was broken, the punishment was death. Esther therefore sent word to Mardochai, saying, "Gather the Jews together to pray for me. Let everybody fast for three days, as I also will. On the third day I will go before the king."

It has always been the practice of the people of God to pray and make penance in order to receive favors from Him.

On the third day, Queen Esther put on her royal clothes and went before Assuerus. He was surprised, but forgave her, because he loved her.

Holding out to her his golden scepter as a sign of favor, Assuerus said, "Do not fear. This law is not made for you, but for all others. What is your wish?"

Esther answered, "If it please the king, I beseech you and Aman to come to a banquet that I shall prepare." The king promised to go.

That night, the king could not sleep. Therefore he ordered his servants to read to him out of the book of the story of the kingdom. It happened that the servants read that part telling how Mardochai saved the king's life from the two plotters.

Assuerus felt very grateful, and wished to reward Mardochai.

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines