My Bible History - Old Testament #55 - Judith in the Assyrian Camp

Judith cut off the head of Holofernes. She gave it to her maid to carry, and they returned to Bethulia.Manasses, King of Juda, was held captive in Babylon. The Assyrian king sent his general, Holofernes, to conquer Chanaan.

Holofernes laid siege to the city of Bethulia. The people decided to surrender if no aid came within five days.

At that time there lived in Bethulia a young widow named Judith. She led a secluded life, praying and fasting. When she heard that the city was going to surrender, she said to the ancients, "Let us be patient and humble, and ask the Lord to show us mercy according to His will."

The ancients begged her, "Pray for us, for you are a holy woman."

Judith went to her oratory, put ashes on her head as a sign of penance, and prayed God for help. Then putting on her beautiful clothes, she went with her maid to the Assyrian camp. When Holofernes saw her, he was pleased with her, and commanded that she might go in and out as she wished.

Four days after her arrival, he gave a great banquet during which he became drunk, and fell fast asleep. Judith waited till everybody had left. She stood weeping and praying, "Strengthen me, O Lord, that I may act according to Thy will." Then taking down Holofernes' sword, she cut off his head. She went out and gave it to her maid to carry in a satchel. They left the camp and went back to Bethulia.

All ran in great joy to meet Judith, for no one had expected her to return. She said, showing them Holofernes' head, "Praise God, Who has not forsaken them that hope in Him. Glorify Him, for His mercy endures forever."

In the morning the people hung up Holofernes' head upon the city walls. All took up arms and went against the Assyrian camp. When the Assyrians found the headless body of their general, they were filled with terror and fled. In this way Judith saved her people.

Judith is one of the best figures of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Church exalts the Blessed Virgin using the praises the Israelites sang at the triumphant return of Judith: "You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor and glory of your people."

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines