My Bible History - Old Testament #41 - The Victory of Gedeon

They banged their pitchers and held up the lamps, shouting, 'The sword of the Lord and Gedeon!'For many years God allowed the Israelites to be troubled by their enemies. God however did not abandon the Children of Israel. He sent them brave men to lead them in battle, and to rule over them.

These men ruled the Israelites for four hundred years. They were called Judges. There were in all sixteen Judges who ruled Israel. One of the bravest was Gedeon.

Before Gedeon became Judge, the Israelites were being troubled by people living in Madian near Chanaan. One day, as Gedeon was threshing wheat, an Angel appeared before him and said, "The Lord is with you, O brave Gedeon. Go and save the Children of Israel from the Madianites."

That night Gedeon took ten of his servants to Madian and destroyed the altar of Baal, a false god. The Madianites gathered an army and marched against Israel.

Gedeon selected three hundred men from the Israelite army, and divided them into three companies.

To each man he gave a trumpet and a pitcher containing a lamp. He said, "Do what you see me do. When I blow my trumpet, blow yours also."

Gedeon led his men at midnight against the Madianite camp. He blew his trumpet, and all his men did so, too. They banged their pitchers and held up the lamps, shouting, "The sword of the Lord and Gedeon!"

The Madianites were surprised and confused by the noise. They began fighting among themselves and killing one another. The Israelites easily drove them out of the country.

Gedeon led his people against many of their other enemies, and won victories for them. The Israelites said to Gedeon, "Rule over us. Be our king, and let your sons be kings after you."

But Gedeon answered, "I will not rule over you. Neither will my sons rule over you. God shall rule over you."

Gedeon is a model of a good ruler. He feared God and kept the commandments of God. God blessed him in all his ways.

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines