My Bible History - Old Testament #40 - The Taking of Jericho

Josue commanded, 'Shout, for the Lord has delivered the city to you.'"When the people of Jericho heard how the Israelites had crossed the Jordan, they were very much afraid. They closed all the gates in the walls of the city.

Josue ordered the people to march with the priests carrying the Ark before them, around the walls once a day for six days. As they marched, they made no noise, except for seven priests who continually blew trumpets. On the seventh day the Israelites went around the walls seven times.

Then Josue commanded, "Shout, for the Lord has delivered the city to you." The priests blew loudly on their trumpets, and the people gave a great shout. And all at once the walls of Jericho fell down.

The Israelites entered and took the city. They killed all the inhabitants, except the family of Rahab, who had protected the two spies. After killing the people of Jericho, the Israelites set the city on fire, destroying it completely.

Josue fought many other battles. Once, because it was getting dark, he commanded the sun to stop; it obeyed him, so that the Israelite army won a great victory.

In this way the Children of Israel returned to the Promised Land. Before he went to Egypt with his sons, Jacob had lived in Chanaan. His twelve sons were the ancestors of the Israelites. This is why the Children of Israel were divided into twelve tribes, each tribe being named after one, of Jacob's sons. The principal tribe was that of Juda, from which the Saviour was, according to the prophecies, to come.

Josue divided Chanaan among the tribes of Israel. Only the tribe of Levi, which was that of the priests, was not given any land, because the priests were allowed to live among the other tribes and were to be supported by them.

Josue tried to lead the Israelites to love God. He told them that God wanted them to conquer the Land of Chanaan because there its people worshipped false gods.

However, after Josue's death, the Israelites disobeyed God. They made friends with the Chanaanites, and even married them. Very soon many of the Children of Israel forgot God completely, and began to worship idols.

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines