My Bible History - Old Testament #25 - The Trials of Job

Job suffered many misfortunes. But he said, 'The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away.'During the time of Joseph, there lived in the land of Hus, in Arabia, a man called Job, an upright man, who loved God and avoided sin. He had seven sons and three daughters. He owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred oxen and five hundred asses, as well as many other riches.

One day God wished to prove the goodness of Job. God spoke to Satan, saying, "Have you seen My servant Job? There is none like him on earth. a perfect and upright man. fearing God and avoiding evil."

Satan replied that it was easy for Job to be good, because he was rich.

God answered Satan, "You can do what you will to Job's possessions, but do not hurt his body. You shall see how he will remain faithful to Me in spite of what you do to him."

Soon after, a messenger arrived before Job. to tell him that the Sabeans had taken his oxen and asses, and had slain all his servants. Almost at the same moment another messenger arrived to announce that all Job's sheep and shepherds had been struck by lightning. A third messenger came to say that the Chaldeans had taken Job's camels and slain those who took care of them.

At last a fourth messenger arrived. He brought the worst news of all. He announced. As your sons and daughters were eating and drinking, there came a strong wind from the desert. It shook the whole house. The house fell and killed all your sons and daughters. I alone escaped to tell you."

When he heard all the misfortunes that had happened, Job was filled with great sorrow. But he did not sin by blaming God, nor by feeling discontented.

Instead, Job fell upon his face, and adored God. He exclaimed, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away: Blessed be the Name of the Lord!" God was very much pleased with Job. because of his faith and love.

Job is a figure of Jesus Christ Who endured sorrow and agony, but did not complain. From Job's story we also learn how far sometimes God permits the devil to exercise his power.

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines