My Bible History - New Testament #08 - The Child Jesus in the Temple

Jesus was seated among the wise men whose duty it was to study and teach the Law.In those days, all the Jews that could do so went every year to celebrate the Feast of the Pasch in Jerusalem. This feast was to commemorate the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt.

When Jesus was twelve years old, Mary and Joseph took Him with them to Spend the Pasch in Jerusalem.

When the festival was over, Mary and Joseph prepared to return to Nazareth. They went with many relatives and friends who had also spent several days in Jerusalem.

As they traveled, Mary and Joseph thought that Jesus was with the other members of their company. But when evening came, they did not see Jesus They asked all their traveling companions, but no one had seen the Child.

Mary and Joseph were very much troubled. They returned at once to Jerusalem to look for the lost Child.

For two days they looked for Jesus. They went everywhere, but could not find Him. They almost gave up hope of ever seeing Him again.

Then on the third day Mary and Joseph went up to the Temple. There they found Jesus seated among the wise men whose duty it was to study the Law and teach it to the people. Although they were the wisest men in all Judea, they were full of wonder and admiration at the questions and answers of Jesus. They could not believe that One so young could have so much wisdom.

When Mary and Joseph saw Jesus, they were very happy. Mary came near to her Son and said softly, "Son, why have You left us? We have been looking for You, sorrowing."

In Nazareth, Jesus was obedient to His mother and to Saint Joseph.But Jesus answered, "Why did you look for Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Fathers business?"

Then Jesus arose and left the Temple with His mother and St. Joseph. They all returned to Nazareth.

By this event Jesus showed us that we must love God above all things. To do His will, we must even leave those dearest to us.

- from My Bible History in Pictures, by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., 1934; it has the Imprimatur of Archbishop Michael J O'Doherty of Manila, Philippines