Jesus in the Eucharist, by Father Ferreol Girardey, C.Ss.R.

- Article I - The Promise of Our Divine Savior to Give to Men His Very Flesh to Eat and His Very Blood to Drink
- Article II - The Institution of the Blessed Eucharist in the Gospel
- Article III - The Teaching of Saint Paul on the Real Presence Tradition
- Article IV - The Early Fathers of the Church on the Real Presence
- Article V - The Belief of the Church in the Real Presence in the Third Century
- Article VI - Saint Hilary and Saint Cyril of Jerusalem on the Real Presence
- Article VII - Saint John Chrysostom on the Real Presence
- Article VIII - The Real Presence Proved by the Argument of "Prescription"
- Article IX - The Real Presence and the Angelic Doctor
- Article X - Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Real Presence
- Article XI - The Real Presence, A Mystery
- Article XII - The Excellence of the Eucharist
- Article XIII - Holy Communion
- Article XIV - The Communion of Children
- Article XV - Jesus in the Eucharist is Waiting for Us
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- These files are taken from the book Jesus in the Eucharist, by Father Ferreol Girardey, C.Ss.R., published in 1918.
- Each was originally an article in The Liguorian, a monthly periodical published by the Fathers of the Redemptorist Seminary at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
- The original articles have the Imprimatur of Thomas P Brown, C.Ss.R. Provincial, Saint Louis, Missouri, 13 December 1917.
- Collected in book form, they have the Imprimatur of Cardinal John Joseph Glennon, Archdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri, 18 April 1918.
- The cover image is the painting Communion of the Apostles by Luca Signorelli, 1512, currently housed in Diocesan Museum of Cortona, Italy.