The Passion and Obedience

Ah, my beloved friends, practise, above all things, true and perfect charity; let it so unite your hearts that you may have only one heart and one will in God. Place yourselves entirely at the disposal of your superiors, that they may do with you what they will when they command nothing contrary to the law of God, or to the rules or constitutions, to which you must endeavor to remain always faithful.

Jesus, as you know, became obedient unto death, and the death of the cross. You must also die, burying your own will and judgment.

Renounce your own opinions, your own inclinations, all self-will; abandon yourselves, like dead men, to the will of your superiors. So long as you do not give yourselves, like corpses, into the hands of obedience, you can never taste the sweetness of the service of God.

Be as eager to break your own will as the thirsty stag is to drink of the refreshing waters.

Consider that day lost in which you do not sacrifice your own will by submitting it to that of another.

Frequently offer your will to God as a holocaust, and perfect contentment will be your reward. The more obedient you are, the more tranquil and indifferent you will be as to your employment. Holy obedience will be your true spouse, and . you will love it in Jesus, that great King of obedient souls. Thus you will render yourselves more capable to serve the Church and our Congregation by means of your prayers. Jesus answers the prayer of obedient souls.

Our sweetest Jesus allowed Himself to be clothed and stripped, as it pleased His executioners; they bound Him and unbound Him, pushed Him from one side to the other, and the innocent Lamb submitted to all.

O sweet submission of Jesus, my sovereign God!

Continue to prepare yourself for everything as a meek lamb. Love to see your plans, though good, frustrated; a time will come when God will permit you fully to execute them.

Well, how goes it with you? Your heart would fain wing its flight to heaven, is it not so? But patience; you must wait till your divine Spouse give you permission.

I learn that you suffer from fever. I think that you would be obedient even unto death, and you know well that you have not yet permission to leave your prison to go to your home.

The poor father whom God has given you for your director would desire, if such were the good pleasure of God, to be near you, to wish your soul a safe journey to heaven. And how could you leave me now, when I need you most? Let the work of the Congregation be accomplished, and afterwards I will allow you to go in peace. You laugh at my folly? I hope that the Divine Goodness will compassionately hear this foolish language.

- text taken from Flowers of the Passion, taken from the letters of Saint Paul of the Cross