The Sacrament of Duty, by Father Joseph McSorley, C.S.P.

- Introduction
- The Sacrament of Duty
- The Ideal Man
- Soul-Blindness
- On Being Cheerful
- Meditation and Modern Life
- Open-Mindedness
- The School of Paul
- God in the Soul
- The Unconverted World
- ---
- download in EPub format
- The text of this ebook was taken from the book The Sacrament of Duty, by Father Joseph McSorley, C.S.P. The version used was the 3rd edition published by The Paulist Press in New York, New York in 1917.
- It has the Nihil obstat of Bishop Thomas Joseph Shahan, Censor Deputatus, and the Imprimatur of Cardinal John Murphy Farley, Archdiocese of New York, New York.
- It has the dedication "to My Mother".
- The cover image is a detail from a lidless Roman sacrophagus, c.350, artist unknown. The original is in the Museo Pio Christiano in Vatican City, Rome, Italy, it was photographed by Jastrow in 2006, and the image was swiped from Wikimedia Commons.