- What is Matrimony?
Matrimony is a Sacrament which unites and sanctifies the Christian man and woman in lawful marriage.
- How can the bond of Christian marriage dissolved?
The bond of a Christian marriage can be broken only by the death of husband or wife.
- What are the effects of the Sacrament of matrimony?
The effects of the Sacrament of matrimony are,
1) To sanctify the love of husband and wife;
2) It gives them the strength to bear up with each other's weaknesses;
3) To enable them to bring up their children in the fear and love of God.
- How should those called to the Marriage State prepare themselves for this Sacrament?
Those called to the Married State should prepare themselves for this Sacrament by living a life of practical faith and holy purity, by consulting the parents, and by notifying their Pastor about a month before the marriage.
- What is an ideal Catholic Wedding?
An ideal Catholic Wedding is one in which:
1) The contracting parties are both practical Catholics;
2) The Bonds of Marriage have been published on three successive Sundays; and
3) The contracting parties are married at a Nuptial Mass and receive Holy Communion.