The Sacraments
- What are the great means instituted by Christ to give grace?
The great means instituted by Christ to give grace are the Sacraments.
- What is a Sacrament?
A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.
- How many Sacraments are there?
There are seven Sacraments.
- Which are the seven Sacraments?
The seven Sacraments are:
Holy Eucharist,
Extreme Unction,
Holy Orders, and
- Why did Christ institute seven Sacraments?
Christ instituted seven Sacraments to supply the seven spiritual wants of mankind.
- Which are the seven spiritual wants of mankind?
The seven spiritual wants of mankind are:
1) Spiritual life;
2) The perfection of spiritual life;
3) Nourishment for the spiritual life;
4) A remedy for spiritual disease and death;
5) Special provision for the journey to Eternity;
6) Power and strength to minister in the name of Christ;
7) Special grace to bring up children for heaven.
- What graces do the Sacraments give?
Every Sacrament gives a special grace, and all give, or increase Sanctifying Grace.
- What special graces do the Sacraments give?
The special graces which the Sacraments give is a right to those actual graces that are necessary to attain the end for which Christ instituted each particular Sacrament. This special grace is called Sacramental Grace.
- Which Sacraments were instituted to give Sanctifying Grace?
Baptism and Penance were instituted to give Sanctifying Grace.
- Which Sacraments were instituted to increase Sanctifying Grace?
Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and Matrimony were instituted to increase Sanctifying Grace.
- Which Sacraments can he received but once?
Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders can be received but once.
- Why can Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders be received but once?
Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders can be received but once, because these Sacraments always attain their end by one reception, and therefore imprint a character on the soul that will last forever.
- How do the Sacraments produce their effect?
The Sacraments produce their effect through the power of Christ, as long as we place no obstacle in the way.
- Which is the ordinary place for the administration and reception of the Sacraments?
The Church is the ordinary place for the administration and reception of the Sacraments.
- What sin is it to receive a Sacrament unworthily?
It is a sacrilege to receive a Sacrament unworthily.