
What are the general signs of a divine Vocation to a particular state in life?

The general signs of a divine Vocation to a particular state in life are:

1) A constant desire to sanctify oneself in that state;

2) Mental, moral, physical fitness;

3) The absence of impediments to that state.

How many hinds of divine Vocations are there?

There are four kinds of divine Vocations:

1) To the Clerical State;

2) To the Religious State;

3) To the Life of Virginity in the World;

4) To the Married State.

Which is nobler, the Married State or Virginity?

Virginity is nobler than the Married State. See I Corinthians 7:1-40

What is a necessary and sure preparation for a divine Vocation?

A pure and devout life is a necessary and sure preparation for any Vocation.