- What is sin?
Sin is any willful breaking of God's law.
- Which are the Seven Capital sins, or Sources of sins?
The Seven Capital sins, or Sources of sin are:
1) Pride
2) Covetousness
3) Lust
4) Anger
5) Gluttony
6) Envy
7) Sloth
Sin of the Angels - Consequence of Their Trial
- Who committed the first sin?
The rebellious angels committed the first sin.
- What are angels?
Angels are pure spirits created to adore, love, and serve God in heaven.
- Why did God try the angels?
God tried the angels that they might earn the reward of heaven.
- How did God try the angels?
God tried the angels by giving them a Commandment.
- What Commandment did God give the angels?
It is a probable opinion that God revealed to the angels the mystery of the Incarnation and commanded them to adore the God-Man.
And again, when he leads the first-born into the world, he says: "Let all the angels of God worship him." - Hebrews 1:6
- What sin did the angels commit?
Some of the angels committed a sin of pride and disobedience in transgressing God's Commandment.
- What was the consequence of the trial of the angels?
The consequence of the trial of the angels was that the good angels were taken to heaven and the rebellious angels were cast into hell.
- What do we now call the rebellious angels?
We now call the rebellious angels, demons, devils, or bad angels.
- Who was the leader of the rebellious angels?
Lucifer was the leader of the rebellious angels.
- What do the bad angels do now?
The bad angels oppose the designs of God by tempting man to sin.
- What do the good angels do for us?
The good angels pray for us, oppose the designs of the devils, and are appointed by God as our Guardian Angel.
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father." - Matthew 18:10
Original Sin - Consequence of the Fall of Our First Parents
- What is Original Sin?
Original Sin is the sin we inherit from Adam, the Father of the Human Race.
- In what does Original Sin, as we inherit it, practically consist?
Original Sin, as we inherit it, practically consists in the privation of the friendship of God.
- Why do we inherit the sin of Adam?
We inherit the sin of Adam because by God's positive design, revealed to Adam, Adam, as head of the human race, was to act in the name of mankind in preserving or losing original justice and holiness.
- Who were our First Parents?
Our first parents were Adam and Eve.
- Were Adam and Eve innocent and holy when God created them?
Adam and Eve were innocent and holy when God created them.
- What commandment did God give Adam and Eve?
To try their obedience, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of a certain fruit which grew in the Garden of Paradise.
- How did Adam and Eve sin?
Eve was tempted by Satan under the form of a serpent, and ate of the forbidden fruit. She then persuaded Adam to do the same.
- What befell Adam and Eve on account of their sin?
On account of their sin, Adam and Eve lost innocence and holiness and were doomed to sickness and death.
- Which were the chief blessings intended for Adam and Eve, had they remained faithful?
The chief blessings intended for Adam and Eve, had they remained faithful, were a state of constant happiness in this life, without pain or death, and everlasting happiness in heaven.
- What do we now inherit from Adam?
We now inherit the sin of Adam and its punishment, just as we would have inherited the happiness of our first parents, if they had remained faithful.
- What other effects flow from original sin?
In consequence of original sin the nature of man is corrupted, his understanding darkened, his will weakened, and his whole nature inclined to evil.
- Who alone was preserved from incurring original sin?
The Blessed Virgin Mary alone was preserved from incurring original sin.
- Why was the Blessed Virgin Mary preserved from incurring original sin?
The Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from incurring original sin because she was the woman destined to crush the serpent's head by becoming the Mother of God.
- What is this privilege of Mary called?
This privilege of Mary is called her immaculate conception.
Mortal Sin - Hell
- What is Actual Sin?
Actual sin is any willful thought, desire, word, deed, or omission forbidden by the Law of God.
- How is Actual Sin divided?
Actual Sin is divided into Mortal Sin and Venial Sin.
- What is Mortal Sin?
Mortal Sin is a grievous offense against the Law of God.
- How is Mortal Sin committed?
Mortal Sin is committed by transgressing the Law of God,
1) In a serious or grievous matter;
2) While adverting to the gravity of the transgression;
3) And acting with a bad will.
- What are the consequences of Mortal Sin?
The consequences of mortal sin are:
1) The loss of sanctifying grace;
2) The enmity of God;
3) The slavery of Satan;
4) The penalty of the torments of hell.
- Is Mortal Sin a great evil?
Mortal Sin is the greatest evil in the world, because it robs man of God and heaven, the greatest good.
- Which are the Six Sins against the Holy Ghost?
The Six Sins against the Holy Ghost are:
1) Presumption,
2) Despair,
3) Resisting the known truth,
4) Envy of another's spiritual good,
5) Obstinacy in sin, and
6) Final Impenitence.
- What do the reprobates suffer in Hell?
In Hell the reprobates suffer an agony of remorse and despair for having lost eternal happiness. They are the slaves of Satan, imprisoned, and tortured by an avenging fire.
Venial Sin - Purgatory
- What is Venial Sin?
Venial Sin is a slight offense against the Law of God.
- How is Venial Sin committed?
Venial Sin is committed by transgressing the Law of God,
1) In a light matter; or
2) Without sufficient knowledge or full consent of the will.
- What are the consequences of Venial Sin?
The consequences of Venial Sin are:
1) The lessening of the love of God;
2) Disposing the soul to mortal sin;
3) The penalty of temporal punishment.
- What is temporal punishment?
Temporal punishment is the punishment that will have an end either in this world or in the next.
- Of what does temporal punishment consist?
Temporal punishment consists of remorse, sickness and reverses in this life, and of the pains of purgatory in the next life.
- What is purgatory?
Purgatory is the state in which those suffer for a time who die guilty of venial sins, or who die without having fully satisfied for the punishment due to their forgiven sins.
- How can we satisfy in this life for the temporal punishment due to sin?
In this life we can satisfy for the temporal punishment due to sin by Prayer, Fasting, Alms-deeds, by the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, and by the patient suffering of the ills of life.
Judgment, Particular and General
- When will man be judged?
Man will be judged at the moment of death and at the end of the world.
- Who will be man's judge?
Jesus Christ will be man's judge.
- Why will Jesus Christ judge man?
A. Jesus Christ will judge man because He has acquired dominion over man by paying the price of his ransom.
- How will Jesus Christ judge man at the hour of death?
Jesus Christ will judge man at the hour of death as God.
- How will Jesus Christ judge man at the end of the world?
Jesus Christ will come with great power and majesty as the God-Man at the end of the world and judge angels and men.
- Why will man be judged at the hour of death?
Man will be judged at the hour of death to receive his reward or punishment.
- Why will man be judged at the end of the world?
Man will be judged at the end of the world
1) To vindicate the Providence of God before the world;
2) To reward the elect publicly;
3) To overwhelm the reprobate with public confusion.
- What will take place before the General Judgment?
Before the General Judgment the resurrection of the dead will take place.
- How will the dead rise on the Last Day?
The dead will rise on the Last Day through the power of God, their Creator.
- Why will mans body rise on the Last Day?
Man's body will rise on the Last Day to share in the reward or punishment, as it shared in the good or wicked deeds of life.