What the Catholic Church Teaches
- What does the Catholic Church teach about God?
A. About God the Catholic Church teaches as divinely revealed, that:
1) There is one God, infinitely perfect, who exists of Himself from all eternity.
2) In God there are three persons. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, equal in all perfections.
3) The Son proceeds from the Father, and the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Son from all eternity.
4) God loves to show His goodness and mercy to mankind.
- What does the Catholic Church teach on the Creation of the World and the Fall of our First Parents?
On the Creation of the World and the Fall of our First Parents, the Catholic Church teaches as divinely revealed, that:
1) God created all things in time, for His glory and the welfare of His creatures.
2) God created angels and men in original justice, endowed them with intelligence and free will, and subjected them to a trial.
3) The supernatural joys of heaven were to be the reward of the fidelity of angels and men.
4) Some angels rebelled against God and were cast into hell.
5) God gave a man a guardian angel.
6) Man, tempted by Satan, ate of the forbidden fruit, and lost his right to heaven.
7) Human nature was weakened but not essentially changed by Original Sin.
8) All mankind is descended from Adam and Eve.
9) God creates every human soul.
10) The guilt of Original Sin is transmitted to the children of Adam by generation.
11) God promised mankind a Redeemer.
- What does the Catholic Church teach on the Redemption of Mankind?
On the Redemption of Mankind the Catholic Church teaches as divinely revealed, that:
1) God the Son assumed human nature from the Virgin Mary, uniting the human and the divine nature in one divine person, Jesus Christ.
2) Jesus Christ has a human and a divine will.
3) Jesus Christ died for the Redemption of all mankind.
4) The merits of Christ are infinite.
5) Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven by His own divine power.
6) The Virgin Mary gave the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His body, and is therefore truly the Mother of God.
7) To make Mary worthy of her Divine Maternity, God preserved her from Original Sin.
8) In consequence, Mary's body did not taste corruption, but was reunited after her death to her soul, and both taken to heaven.
- What does the Catholic Church teach on the Sanctification of Mankind?
On the Sanctification of Mankind the Catholic Church teaches as divinely revealed, that:
1) In Christ's merits is salvation for all of good will.
2) Christ established the one, holy. Catholic, apostolic Church to teach, guide, and govern the faithful.
3) Christ made Saint Peter the Head of His Church.
4) The Pope is the lawful Successor of Saint Peter.
5) Christ gave His Church the infallible guidance of the Holy Ghost.
6) The Catholic Church is the guardian of revealed truth as contained in divine Tradition and Sacred Scripture.
7) The Holy Ghost keeps the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth, from error when he teaches a doctrine of Faith and Morals to be held by all the faithful.
8) Public Revelation was completed with the Apostles.
9) Faith alone will not save man, but good morals or good works, are necessary.
10) God gives sufficient grace for salvation to all mankind.
11) Prayer is the universal means of obtaining God's help.
12) Christ instituted seven Sacraments as special fountains of grace.
13) Every sin can be forgiven.
14) Charity unites God's friends on earth with those in heaven and in purgatory.
15) Due veneration of Angels and Saints is pleasing to God.
16) It is a holy thought to pray for the souls in purgatory.
17) The pious use of Sacramentals disposes us for, and draws down God's special blessing upon us.
- What does the Catholic Church teach on the Last Things?
On the Last Things the Catholic Church teaches as divinely revealed, that:
1) Man's probation ends with death.
2) The Particular Judgment follows immediately after death.
3) The good go to heaven and the wicked go to hell after the Particular Judgment.
4) Those who are not entirely purified go to purgatory after the Particular Judgment.
5) This world will come to an end when God wills.
6) The dead will rise again on the Last Day.
7) On the Last Day Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead.
8) After the General Judgment the elect will enter life eternal, but the reprobate will go into the everlasting torments of hell.
9) The thought of the Last Things inspires man with the fear of the Lord and the love of God.