Good Works and Faith
- Will Faith alone save man?
"Faith alone will not save man, for Faith, if it have not works, is dead." - James 2:17
- How does man perform good works?
"Man performs good works by keeping the Commandments. If you love me, keep my Commandments." - John 14:15
- What is Hope?
Hope is a divine gift by which man firmly trusts that God will give him eternal life and the means to obtain it.
- What is Charity?
Charity is a divine gift by which man loves God above all things for His own sake, and his neighbor as himself, for the love of God.
- What is The Rule of Faith?
The Rule of Faith is a divine guide whereby man can infallibly possess revealed truth.
- Why is a Rule of Faith necessary?
A Rule of Faith is necessary:
1) to discover revealed truth;
2) to preserve purity of doctrine;
3) to settle religious controversies with divine authority.
- What is this guide or Rule of Faith with divine authority?
This guide or Rule of Faith with divine authority is a teaching body sent by God, and guided by Him, in leading the faithful to life eternal.
- How has God safeguarded the genuineness of His Revelation?
God has safeguarded the genuineness of His Revelation by Miracles and Prophecies.
- What is a Miracle?
A Miracle is an evident, supernatural and extraordinary effect produced by God for the benefit of Religion.
- What is a Prophecy?
A Prophecy is an exact prediction of an event that can be foreseen only by God.
- Why should man accept divine Revelation?
Man should accept divine Revelation because God neither can nor will deceive.
- On what does man today base his Faith in Revelation?
Man today bases his Faith in Revelation on the divinity of Jesus Christ, of His Teaching, and of His Church.