The Story of the Wild Turtle-Doves

Now it happened one day that as Francis was walking along the high road, he met a certain boy who had been in the woods since a very early hour. And this boy was carrying a wicker basket full of md turtle-doves which he had caught in the woods; and these he had tied together and was now carrying to the market where he hoped to sell them.

But when Francis saw him, he stopped and gazed at the gentle birds, for whom he had always a very special love and compassion; and he said to the boy:

"O, my little son, I pray you give me these poor birds, and do not let them fall into the hands of cruel men who would wring their sweet necks."

And at first the boy would not, but, looking into the loving eyes of the Saint, he immediately took them from the basket and gave them all to Francis, and he, receiving them into his arms, said to them tenderly:

"O, my dear little sisters, so simple, innocent, and pure, why did you let yourselves be snared and carried so far from your home? But now will I save you from death and make nests for you, where you may increase and multiply."

So Francis went and made nests for them all in the trees that stood about his dwelling; and the doves took to the nests, and laid their eggs, and hatched their young without fear under the eyes of the Brothers; and they were as tame with Francis and with all the Brothers as though they had been always fed from their hands. Nor would they depart from that place until Francis had given them his blessing and leave to go away.

And when next Francis walked upon that high road, he met the boy who had given him the birds; and the boy saluted him with reverence. Then Francis smiled on him and said:

"Little son, you will one day be a Brother in this Order of Friars Minor, and will become a noble servant of Jesus Christ."

And this came to pass; for the boy became a Brother of the Order of Saint Francis, and a very great saint.

- text taken from A Little Book of Saint Francis and His Brethren, by Ethel Mary Wilmot-Buxton