Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall to the ground without your Father. What comfort should we find in all our trials, what confidence and ease in our greatest afflictions and pressing calamities, if thoroughly convinced of this truth, as spoken by Christ for our peace of heart. If a son knew his father powerful, wise, wealthy, and tenderly loving of himself, what assurance would he have of his care and help in all his affairs and difficulties! With how much greater reason may we have a thorough confidence in the watchful providence of God our Father in Heaven. No tenderness nor affection can come near to that with which God regards us. We may rest satisfied that what He appoints or permits is for our greater good. The love He bears us in His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, will not let Him be backward to keep and bless those for whose sake he gave up that Son to the sufferings and ignominy of the cross. He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how hath He not also with Him given us all things. My father and my mother have left me, but (the Psalmist finds his comfort in adding) the Lord hath taken me up. The Lord ruleth me, and I shall want nothing. I am a beggar and poor, the Lord is careful for me. If we only considered the fatherly providence of God as Holy Scripture in these and many more declarations brings before us, and the tender love which He has for us, how heartily should we cleave to and follow that Saviour Jesus, by whom alone any one can come to God as a Father.
- text taken from Daily Bread - Bring a Few Morning Meditations for the Use of Catholic Christians by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp