Daily Bread - Day

We have great opponents of the grace of God in our own bodies. We must all know and feel this. Accustom yourselves, therefore, every morning, to caution your souls after somewhat this manner: "Take care, O my soul, diligently to watch that body thou art dwelling in, and all its actions and all its suggestions. In whatever is contrary to the will of God, or will displease thy Heavenly Master, Christ, oppose it and subdue it, till thou recallest and rejectest from thee all sinful desires, all corruptions and affections." Make it thy care, O Christian, that it may be with thee as with that blessed apostle who says: I chastise my body and bring it into subjection. And every night thus question and examine your soul: "O my soul, hast thou this day subdued thy body, that rebel against thy Lord and Master? Hast thou kept it under and restrained it in the pursuit of worldly pleasures? Hast thou dealt with it watchfully and severely?" If you persevere in such exercise, you will so regard the body as a dangerous companion, that you will praise God for His grace, given to keep it under the soul. You will say with Saint Paul: Thanks to God, who giveth me victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be praise for ever and ever.

- text taken from Daily Bread - Bring a Few Morning Meditations for the Use of Catholic Christians by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp