Daily Bread - Day

Behold (says God, by the Prophet Ezekiel), all souls are mine. Bring home to your own mind and heart that you have an immortal soul which belongs to God. You are not your own masters; you have been not only created, but bought with a price to be God's servants and property; that price, not gold or silver, but the precious blood of Christ. Let this be an abiding remembrance, for it may keep you, if prayerful and watchful, from not only sinning willfully, but from carelessness and levity of life. It will help you to become, what I trust is your aim, the servants, or what is more, the sons and daughters of God. It is by looking on God as our God and Father in Christ, that we become like Him, and if we are like Him now it is a blessed thought that we shall one day see Him as He is, and dwell for ever with Him. This view of God, and of ourselves as His, aids to produce recollectedness, reverence, earnestness in religion, and an holy zeal, thoughtful, and persevering. It helps to sustain devotion, and a Godly life. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatsover else ye do, do all to the glory of God. Would that every one of us might watch to regulate his or her daily life, by such a rule, or, as the same apostle rather more largely admonishes the Colossian Christians: All whatsoever ye do in word or work, all things do ye in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.

- text taken from Daily Bread - Bring a Few Morning Meditations for the Use of Catholic Christians by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp