Daily Bread - Day 98

When we see any one walking on the slippery edge of a frightful precipice, or another put to sea amid rocks in a threatening storm, we look on them with anxiety and alarm, as in danger of loss of life. And is not any one who places himself without necessity, in occasion of sin, in as dangerous a position as regards his soul? Is he not risking his salvation? When the Devil is lying in wait around, and his own corrupt passions stirring within? Alas, the Devil is always strong enough for us, so that we have no excuse for aiding him with opportunities for giving us a fatal fall. God has not promised his help to those who dare to tempt Him. Is it not written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God? Let Saint Peter's denial of a master he truly loved, through reliance on his own strength, and placing himself in the way of temptation, be a warning to us. The grace of God is not so at our command that if we encourage our spiritual enemies to attack us, we shall be sure of victory. The case is quite otherwise. Avoid carefully then occasion of sin: keep firmly from bad company: shun watchfully all dangerous curiosity: restrain your eyes and ears while out in the evil world: dally not with temptations: imitate the holy and chaste patriarch Joseph, whose best weapon (Saint Ambrose says) was his running away from danger. He fled, and went out.

- text taken from Daily Bread - Bring a Few Morning Meditations for the Use of Catholic Christians by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp