Daily Bread - Day 86

However heavy and sore may be your temptations yet if you return to and keep in exercise the fear of God, and love of Christ, do not be greatly troubled. You will be advantaged by them in the end. There is more danger in living without that conflict, for the Evil One is then leaving you quiet. You will advance further in the true life of a Christian, with temptations, than without; provided you be instant in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving. Our dear Lord conducts us by various ways into His rest, and for this better are the wounds of a friend than the deceitful kisses of an enemy. The world and our own sensuality will be used by the Devil to keep us in false peace, and in a slight external, decorous profession of religion. But our Lord has a great and true happiness in store for us, which He leads into by the permission of temptations. Thus we shall know, and we shall follow on that we may know the Lord. Great condescension of our Lord, so to keep us in earnest, so to excite us, and induce us to proceed with diligence. Keep ever in mind that your calling is to Eternal Life with Christ in Heaven, and if allowed present temptations, are a means for that blessed end, be courageous under them. Give not way to sadness or unbelief. God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able, but will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it.

No profit can'st thou gain,
By self-consuming care;
To Him commend thy cause; His ear
Attends the softest prayer.
Give to the wind thy fears,
Hope and be undismay'd;
God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears,
He shall lift up thy head.

- text taken from Daily Bread - Bring a Few Morning Meditations for the Use of Catholic Christians by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp