There is an observable and instructive resemblance between the record of Adam in Eden, and the story of the life (if it was faithfully Written) of probably each of us. Can we not trace back our first great fall into evil and guilt, to some early, simple, and perhaps childish transgression? The desire of something forbidden, and the going after it, was the starting point of our sins. As we lived on this evil strengthened in us, and darkened our state before God. We added remorse to suffering and shame. When young we feared not want, and dreaded no storm. The day's care was sufficient for the day, but distrust, and dread, and care, have grown with consciousness of transgression. As a twig or leaf, small as they are, show the nature of the tree, so a child soon shows the connection with fallen Adam. Blessed be God, there is another parallel fact, the headship of Christ! As by the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man, shall many be made just. A Christian life proves us, poor and feeble branches, engrafted into Jesus Christ, the tree of life: "I am the vine (he says), ye are the branches, and it is true both as to soul and body, that as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Come kneel before His cross,
Who shed for us His blood,
Who died the victim of pure love,
To make us sons of God.
- text taken from Daily Bread - Bring a Few Morning Meditations for the Use of Catholic Christians by Father Richard Waldo Sibthorp