A New Series Homilies For The Whole Year, by Bishop Geremia Bonomelli, D.D.
- First Weekend of Advent, Day #1
- First Weekend of Advent, Day #2
- Second Weekend of Advent, Day #1
- Second Weekend of Advent, Day #2
- Third Weekend of Advent, Day #1
- Third Weekend of Advent, Day #2
- Fourth Weekend of Advent, Day #1
- Fourth Weekend of Advent, Day #2
- Octave of Christmas, Day #1
- Octave of Christmas, Day #2
- First Weekend after Epiphany, Day #1
- First Weekend after Epiphany, Day #2
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- texts taken from A New Series Homilies For The Whole Year by Bishop Geremia Bonomelli, D.D., Diocese of Cremona, Italy
- translated by Bishop Thomas Sebastian Byrne, D.D., Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee
- imprimatur of Cardinal John Murphy Farley, Archdiocese of New York, New York, 11 April 1909