O glorious Saint Anthony, since God has given thee the power of miracles, a power thou hast exercised for more than six centuries, and since He has given thee in particular the power of finding that which has been lost, I come to thee with the confidence of a child to the best of fathers. Grant me, above all, to' find the grace of God, if I have had the misfortune to lose it; grant me to find also my former fervor in the service of God and in the practice of virtue; and as a pledge of these graces, so important for my eternal salvation, grant me to find also the things I have lost. Thus, thou shalt make me experience the presence of thy goodness, and thou wilt increase my confidence and my love for thee. (Our Father.)
Great Saint Anthony, I congratulate thee on all the prerogatives with which God has favored thee, beyond all His saints. By thy power death is disarmed, and by thy light error is dissipated; they whom malice strives to crush receive by thy assistance that solace so much desired; the lepers, the sick, and the lame obtain complete health by thy power; storms and tempests are appeased at thy command; the captives' chains are broken by thy authority; through thy care things lost are found; all who invoke thee with confidence are freed from the evils under which they suffer and from the perils which threaten them; in a word, there is no difficulty over which thy power and bounty do not extend. Saint Anthony, powerful intercessor, by all these graces which heaven has given thee I supplicate thee to take paternal care of my soul, my body, of my affairs, and of my whole life, being assured that there is nothing in the world that can injure me, so long as I shall be under the safeguard of such a patron and protector. Present my needs and desires to the Father of mercies, to the God of every consolation, that by thy merits He may deign to strengthen me in His service, console me in afflictions, deliver me from evils, or at least give me strength to bear them for my greater sanctification. I ask these graces for myself and for those who are in the same dangers. perfect imitator of Jesus, who hast received the special privilege of restoring lost things, I ask of you that I may find which has been lost, if such is the will of God, or at least I ask quiet of mind and peace of conscience, the deprivation of which has afflicted me more sensibly than the loss of everything in the world. To these favors add another, which is to keep me faithful in the possession of the true goods, in a word, that no hostile force can make me lose or separate me from my God, to whom be honor and thanksgiving now and forever. Amen. (Five Our Fathers and Hail Marys.)
Charitable protector of those who have recourse to thee, since thou hast received the gift of miracles, I ask of thee the grace of ray conversion and perseverance. Present all my needs before the throne of God, keep from me and from all those who are dear to me sickness, adversity, and disgrace; and by the power of thy prayers obtain for us the best blessings of heaven and earth. Amen.
Great Saint Anthony of Padua, sweet hope of all who implore thee. I prostrate myself humbly at thy feet to obtain by thy powerful intercession the greatest of all blessings, the grace of dying well. Do not allow, I entreat thee, by the pierced Heart of Jesus, that I be suddenly seized by death in the deplorable state of mortal sin; grant that at that last moment I may experience the most profound sorrow for the sins of my whole life, that I may be penetrated with love for Jesus, and full of confidence in the power of His blood which was shed for me; that the last movement of my hands may be to carry the crucifix to my lips, and my last words the holy names of Jesus and Mary; in short that, expiring in the embrace of my sweet Redeemer, I may have the happiness to see Him, to love Him, and to possess Him with thee for all eternity. Obtain this grace also for my parents, my friends, my benefactors and for all who are dear to me, in Our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be honor and glory with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Let us Pray.
Almighty and eternal God, who didst glorify Thy faithful confessor Anthony with the perpetual gift of working miracles, graciously grant that what we confidently seek through his merits we may surely receive through his intercession. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
O blessed tongue that always blessed the Lord, and made others bless and praise Him; it is now manifest what great merits thou dost possess in the sight of God.
V. Pray for us.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
O Almighty God, who alone dost perform miracles, grant, we beseech Thee, that, as Thou didst preserve the tongue of Thy holy confessor Saint Anthony incorrupt after death, we, through his intercession and after his example, may be worthy of praising and blessing Thee forever. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
O loving Jesus, source of grace and mercy, I cast myself at Thy feet, and I implore Thee, through the love which Saint Anthony bore Thee, and through the compassionate Heart with which in Thy bitter agony Thou didst look down upon Thy Mother from the cross and commend her to the care of Saint John, to look upon me, a poor sinner, with the eyes of Thy boundless mercy. Come as my loving Father and God to my assistance in my great need and anxiety. In Thee do I trust, in Thee do I hope. Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary.)
O good Jesus, loving Redeemer and Sanctifier! I cast myself at Thy feet; and I implore Thee through the love which Saint Anthony bore Thee, and through Thy precious blood shed for us, to turn Thy compassionate and fatherly eyes upon me, a poor sinner whom Thou didst free on the cross from the chains of the enemy. Comfort me in my anxiety and affliction, for in Thee alone do I place all my confidence and my hope. Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary.)
O loving Jesus, sure and sole refuge of my needy soul! I cast myself at Thy feet, and I implore Thee through the love which Saint Anthony bore Thee, and through Thy love for him which induced Thee to come to him in the form of a little child, and to comfort and caress him, I implore Thee to come to me in my great need and affliction, that I may know how precious is Thy presence in a soul that hopes in Thee.
(Our Father, Hail Mary.)
O truest and most loving patron Saint Anthony, I implore thee in union with the most loving Heart of Jesus, which He suffered to be opened for sinners after His death, show me how great is thy power before the throne of God, and let me be comforted in my affliction with the hope that, like all who call upon thee in their need, I may be able to say with a joyful heart, God truly lives and reigns in His servant Saint Anthony. Amen.
Saint Anthony, my faithful advocate and protector, I rejoice for thy unspeakable happiness in the contemplation of the Most Holy Trinity, in which the soul possesses all that it could ever desire. I earnestly and humbly beg thee to regard not my sins and ingratitude, but, in thy tender compassion, beg Our Lord Jesus Christ to grant me His grace, without which I can do nothing. With this divine gift I shall be strengthened to overcome my evil desires, to discipline the sensibility of my soul, to resist the temptations of the evil one, and amend my bad habits; it will enable me to advance in the love of God, to fulfill the divine will of God as perfectly as possible, to walk in the way of a true Christian life, to recognize and discern between good and evil counsel, to accept with a joyful heart interior as well as exterior admonitions, and to love and serve my neighbor as the divine will decrees.
I also pray thee, Saint Anthony, to protect me against the hands of my enemies, to save me from an unprovided death; above all, implore God that I may not be surprised by death and depart this life without the sacraments of holy Church, which Our Lord Jesus Christ has instituted to strengthen and comfort us in that dread hour, and that thou and our blessed Mother may be present at my side; and finally that, through the bitter passion of Our Saviour and thy intercession, I may, with thee and all the saints and elect of God, rejoice and praise Him forever in the heavenly country.
- taken from Saint Anthony, The Saint of the Whole World by Father Thomas F Ward