I want to tell y'all something

This is Terry, the Amateur Hagiographer who writes the CatholicSaints.Info and CatholicSaints.Mobi sites, part of which are included on the Laudate app. I know things have not been up to snuff lately, especially on the Laudate part, and I want to explain why. I wont' fix anything to tell you, and it's no excuse, but there is a reason.

I've got a little health problem. May have mentioned before, but it's heart related. It's not bad - even the doctor says that if I take the pills and do right, it will be more of an annoyance than a threat, and so far that's been the case. But that touches on the "not up to snuff" problem - the pills.

Every medication I take makes me sleepy. I sleep ten, some times twelve hours a day now, mostly in 2 hour chunks. And when I'm awake, I'm rarely 100%. Hard to concentrate. Hard to keep a schedule. And the team here is just me, so if there's a mess, I don't even have anyone to yell at.

Now, I realize that taking too many naps is a real first-world kinda problem, and one that more people wish they had and wouldn't whine about. Praise be, I'm retired, the kids are grown, and basically nobody needs or depends on me. But nap-time sure gets in the way of getting anything done, especially when it happens off and on all day, every day.

Understand, I'm not looking for sympathy cards or encouragement; I'm too old and grumpy for that sort of thing. I just want to make sure that no one thinks that the slacking is due to a lack of concern or respect for the Faith, the subject matter, or the readers. It bloody well ain't none of that. I wish I could do a lot more - better writing, podcasts, videos, ebooks, catechism and RCIA aids, some other stuff. But until I get toughened up to the drugs, it's gonna be what it's gonna be. And I'm sorry for that.

We now return you to your extended family in heaven. Thanks for listening.