12 October • yesterday
• tomorrow

Saint Edwin of Northumbria

Also known as

• Edwin of Bernicia
• Edwin of Deira
• Edwin the King
• Aeduini, Eadwine, Aeduini


A prince, born a pagan, the son of King Ella of Northumbria. King of Northumbria from 616 to 633. Married to Saint Ethelburga of Kent. Adult convert to Christianity, baptized in 627 by Saint Paulinus of York; first Christian King of Northumbria. Father of Saint Eanfleda of Whitby and Saint Edwen of Northumbria. Great-uncle of Saint Hilda of Whitby. Grandfather of Saint Elfleda. Worked for the evangelization of his people. Listed as a martyr as he died in battle with the pagan king, Penda of Mercia, an enemy of the Faith.


585 at Deira, South Northumbria, England


• 633 in battle with pagan Welsh and Mercians at Hatfield Chase, England
• relics at Whitby
• head in Saint Peter's Church, York

Name Meaning

• valuable friend (teutonic)
• wealthy friend (old english)


• converts
• hoboes, tramps, homeless people
• kings
• large families


Holding a council with the wise men, King Edward asked of every one in particular what he thought of the new doctrine and the new worship that was preached.

To which the chief of his own priests, Coifi, immediately answered: "O king, consider what this is which is now preached to us; for I verily declare to you that the religion which we have hitherto professed has, as afar as I can learn, no virtue in it. For none of you people has applied himself more diligently to the worship of our gods than I; and yet there are many who receive greater favors from you, and are more preferred than I, and who are more prosperous in all their undertakings. Now if the gods were good for anything, they would rather forward me, who have been more careful to serve them. If follows, therefore, that if upon examination you find those new doctrines which are now preached to us better and more efficacious, we should immediately receive them without any delay."

Another of the king's chief men, approving of Coifi's words and exhortations, presently added: "The present life of man, O king, seems to me, in comparison with that time which is unknown to us, like to the swift flight of a sparrow through the room wherein you sit at supper in winter amid your officers and ministers, with a good fire in the midst, whilst the storms of rain and snow prevail abroad; the sparrow, I say, flying at one door and immediately out at another, whilst he is within is safe from the wintry storm; but after a short space of fair weather he immediately vanishes out of your sight into the dark winter from which he has emerged. So this life of man appears for a short space, but of what went before of what is to follow we are utterly ignorant. If, therefore, this new doctrine contains something more certain, it seems justly to deserve to be followed."

The other elders, and king's counselors, by divine inspiration, spoke to the same effect. But Coifi added that he wished more attentively to hear Paulinus discourse concerning the God whom he preached. So the bishop having spoken by the king's command at greater length, Coifi, hearing his words, cried out: "I have long since been sensible that there was nothing in that which we worshipped, because the more diligently I sought after truth in that worship, the less I found it. But now I freely confess that such evident truth appears in this preaching as can confer on us the gifts of life, of salvation, and of eternal happiness. For which reason I advise, O king, that we instantly abjure and set fire to those temples and altars which we have consecrated without reaping any benefits from them."

In short, the king publicly gave his permission to Paulinus to preach the gospel, and, renouncing idolatry, declared that he received the faith of Christ; and when he inquired of the high priest who should first profane the altars and temples of their idols, with the inclosures that were about them, the high priest answered, "I; for who can more properly than myself destroy those things which I worshipped through ignorance, for an example to all others, through the wisdom which has been given me by the true God?" - the Venerable Bede, Ecclesiastical History, writing about the conversion of King Edwin in 627


Our Lady Aparecida

Also known as

Our Lady Who Appeared


In October 1717, Dom Pedro de Almedida, Count of Assumar passed through the area of Guarantinqueta, a small city in the Paraiba river valley. The people there decided to hold a feast in his honour, and though it was not fishing season, the men went to the waters to fish for the feast. Three of the fishermen, Domingos Garcia, Joco Alves, and Felipe Pedroso, prayed to the Immaculate Conception, and asked God's help. However, after several hours they were ready to give up. Joco cast his net once more near the Port of Itaguagu, but instead of fish, he hauled in the body of a statue. The three cast their net again, and brought up the statue's head. After cleaning the statue they found that it was Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Naming their find Our Lady Aparecida, they wrapped it in cloth and continued to fish; now their nets were full.

While we do not know why the statue was at the bottom of the river, we do know who made it. Frei Agostino de Jesus, a carioca monk from Sao Paulo known for his sculpture. The image was less than three feet tall, was made around 1650, and must have been underwater for years. It is a dark brown color, is covered by a stiff robe of richly embroidered thick cloth, and wears an imperial crown which was added in 1904. Only her face and hands can be seen. Pope Pius XII proclaimed her principal patroness of Brazil in 1930. The statue was recently vandalized by being broken into several pieces just prior to a visit by Pope John Paul II, but a group of dedicated artists and artisans carefully pieced it together again.


• Aparecida, Brazil, diocese of
• Brazil
• World Youth Day 2013


Blessed Carlo Acutis


Teenaged layman in the archdiocese of Milan, Italy known for creating a series of websites devoted to Church-related supernatural events (see links below). As a regular teenaged boy, he liked comics, computer programming, video editing, and related matters. He was known at his school for defending other kids, especially those with disabilities, from bullies.


3 May 1991 in Barking and Dagenham, London, England


• 12 October 2006 in Monza, Milan, Italy of leukemia
• buried in the Cimitero di Assisi, Assisi, Provincia di Perugia, Umbria, Italy
• re-interred on 5-6 April 2019 at the Shrine of the Spogliazione, church of Santa Maria Maggiore, in Assisi


• 10 October 2020 by Pope Francis
• beatification recognition celebrated at the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi, Italy with Cardinal Agostino Vallini as chief celebrant
• the beatification miracle involved the 2013 healing of a child in Brazil who was healed of a pancreatic disorder

Web Sites BY Blessed Carlo

Apparitions of Angels and Demons
Eucharistic Miracles
Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso
Marian Apparitions


YouTube PlayList


Saint Maximilian of Celeia

Also known as

• Maximilian of Celje
• Maximilian of Cilli
• Maximilian of Lorch


Born to the nobility, the only child of rich and pious parents. After the death of his parents, Maximilian freed the family slaves and gave away his fortune to the poor. Pilgim to Rome, Italy. Sent as a missionary to Noricum and Pannonia by Pope Saint Sixtus II. First bishop of Lorch, Norucum. After 20 years of work as a missionary bishop, he returned to Celeia where he became a noted preacher. Ordered by secular authorities to prove his loyalty by sacrificing to idols; Maximilian refused. Martyred by order of governor Eulasius.


in Celeia (modern Celje, Slovenia)


• beheaded on 12 October 284
• buried outside Celeia (modern Celje, Slovenia)
• by the 8th century his relics had been moved to Salzburg, Austria and a chapel built over the grave
• on 9 September 878 his relics were known to be in Altötting, Germany
• c.980 Bishop Pilgrim of Passau transfers the relics of Maximilian to Passau
• his relics processed through Passau in 1634 to protect the city from plague
• sarcophagus opened in 1662, and found empty

Name Meaning

the greatest (latin)


  Habsburg family (chosen in the 15th century)
  Linz, Austria, diocese of
  Passau, Germany, diocese of (earliest mention in writing on 30 September 985)


• bishop holding a sword and crucifix
• bishop holding a sword and book


Saint Fiace

Also known as

Fiacc, Fiach, Fiech


Prince of Hy-Bairrche, Ireland; son of MacDara. Nephew of the famous bard and convert Dubhtach who taught him to sing. Married layman and father of one son, Fiacre, who was later ordained by Saint Patrick. Convert. Widower. Ordained as a missionary bishop for Leinster, Ireland by Saint Patrick. Founded the churches and monasteries of Domnach-Fiech and Sletty. Known for his severe fasts during Lent. Poet; may have been the author of a metrical life of Saint Patrick, in Irish, said to be the earliest biography of the saint. Though he suffered from an unnamed, painful condition in his later years, he continued to travel his region right up to his death.


415 in Ireland


• 520 of natural causes
• buried in his own church at Sletty


Thou didst devote thy life and ministry to missionary endeavor, O Hierarch Fiace, and art remembered as the hymnographer who honoured the great Patrick. Together with him thou didst drive out of Ireland the ignorance and error of paganism. Pray that Christ our God will raise up noble souls in our day who will restore the Orthodox Faith to the Island of Saints and advance the Kingdom of God for the salvation of souls. - Troparion of Saint Fiace Tone 1


Our Lady of the Pillar

Also known as

• Nossa Senhora do Pilar
• Nuestra Señora del Pilar
• Our Lady of Pillar
• Our Lady of the Pillar


Tradition says that in the early day of the Church, Saint James the Greater was spreading the Gospel in Spain, but making very little progress. He was dejected and questioning his mission. About 44, the Virgin Mary, who was still living in Jerusalem at the time, bi-located and appeared to him in a vision to boost his morale. In it, she was atop a column or pillar, which was being carried by angels. That pillar is believed to be the same one venerated in Zaragoza, Spain today. Miraculous healings reported at the scene.


• Imus, Philippines, diocese of
• Tagbilaran, Philippines
• Zamboanga, Philippines, archdiocese of
• Zamboanga City, Philippines
• Zaragoza, Spain


YouTube PlayList


Saint Serafino of Montegranaro

Also known as

• Serafino of Ascoli Piceno
• Serafinus, Seraphim, Seraphin


Born to a poor, pious farming family. An uneducated shepherd in his youth, he spent his time in the fields in prayer. Orphaned, he was abused by his big brother. He entered the Capuchin friar at age 16, receiving the name Seraphin. Noted for his simple, obedient, ascetic life, and his charity to the poor. He had a special devotion to the Blessed Eucharist and to Our Lady. Had the gifts of reading hearts, of miracles, and of prophecy. His counsel was sought by both Church and secular authorities.


at Montegranaro, Italy


• 12 October 1604 at Ascoli Piceno, Italy of natural causes
• entombed in the Capuchin friary at Ascoli Piceno


16 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII


Blessed Pedro Salcedo Puchades

Also known as

Brother Pacifico of Valencia


Second of five children born to the poor but pious family of Matías Salcedo and Elena Puchades. Baptized at the age of 2 days. Became a Franciscan Capuchin friar on 21 July 1899, making his perpetual profession on 21 February 1903. Served as beggar of the house im Massamagrell, Spain for 37 years. Known as a simple, quiet, humble, pious brother dedicated to close observance of the Rule of his Order, and a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War. When local children found his body the next day, Brother Pacifico was still clutching his small wooden cross in his left hand.


23 February 1874 in Valencia, Spain


• 12 October 1936 near the river outside Monteolivete, Valencia, Spain
• buried in Valencia


11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Edisto

Also known as

Aristo, Hedisto, Oreste, Rest


Born to the imperial Roman nobility. Soldier. Equerry to emperor Nero. Convert, baptized by Saint Peter the Apostle. Betrayed by a servant for the crime of being a Christian during the persecutions of Nero, Edisto was captured by soldiers during a covert Mass with four other congregants. Martyr.


• buried alive on 12 October 60 just off the Via Laurentina near modern Sant Oreste, Italy
• a church was built over the site of the martyrdom, and the village of Sancti Heristi grew up around it; the village moved to the side of Mount Soratte for better defense against raiders; it's modern name is Sant Oreste
• relics were known to have been enshrined in the Sant'Edisto monastery outside the walls of Rome, Italy in the 7th century


Sant Oreste, Italy


clean-shaven young man with a palm of martyrdom and a white flag with a red cross


Blessed Thomas Bullaker

Also known as

• John Baptist Bullaker
• Thomas Tailor

Additional Memorial

22 November as one of the Martyrs of England, Scotland, and Wales


Born the only son of a pious, well-to-do physician. Studied at the English College in Saint-Omer, France, and the Royal English College at Valladolid, Spain. Joined the Franciscans in 1622, taking the name John Baptist. Ordained in Valladolid c.1627. He returned to England where he ministered to covert Catholics for twelve years. Arrested twice, he was sentenced to death for the crime of being a priest. One of the Martyrs of England, Scotland, and Wales.


c.1603 in Midhurst, Sussex, England


hanged, drawn, and quartered on 12 October 1642 at Tyburn, London England


22 November 1987 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Spérie

Also known as

Espérie, Exupérie


Born to a wealthy, landed family, the daughter of duke Serenus. As a young woman, Spérie wished to devote herself to God. When her family arranged a marriage for her to the neighboring lord Elidius, she disguised herself as a peasant and left home to live as a hermitess with a hollow tree for a shelter. Her brother Clarus either didn’t believe her or didn’t care; he tracked her down, demanded that she return with him, and when she refused, he became so angry that he murdered her. Martyr.


Saint-Sérène manor in the area of modern Saint-Céré, France


• beheaded in 760
• legend says that the body picked up the head and carried it to a stream to wash away the blood
• buried in the crypt under the parish church of Saint-Céré, France


Saint-Céré, France


Pope Saint Felix IV


Son of Castorius; nothing else is known of his early life. Chosen 54th pope at the insistence of Theodoric, king of the Goths. Secured confirmation of the exemption of clerics from civil law, obtained structures for use as churches, and generally used his favored status with Theodoric to benefit the Church. Opposed semi-Pelagianism, writing to settle Church teachings on grace and free will, and approving the work of Saint Caesarius of Arles on the topics. He tried to designate his successor, but civil authorities and many cardinals rebelled at the idea.


Samnium, Italy

Papal Ascension

12 July 526


• September 530 in Rome, Italy of natural causes
• interred in the portico of Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome


Saint Rodobaldo II of Pavia

Also known as

Cipolla of Pavia


Arch-deacon of the cathedral of diocese of Pavia, Italy. Chosen 53rd bishop of Pavia in 1230 by Pope Gregory IX. Preached crusade against Frederick II, which led to his imprisonment. On his released, he worked to reconcile Frederick with Pope Innocent IV. Noted for his charity, personal penance, worked to provide proper liturgical services in his diocese, and supported the search and enshrinement of the relics of saints.


• 12 October 1254 in Pavia, Lombardy, Italy of natural causes
• relics enshrined in the cathedral of Pavia


Saint Opilio of Piacenza

Also known as



Brother of Saint Gelasius. As a child, he was known to share the food of his daily meals with the poor. Deacon in Piacenza, Italy noted for his charity and personal piety.


• mid-5th century in Piacenza, Italy of natural causes
• most relics in the basilica of Sant Antonio di Piacenza
• some relics at the chapel of the local seminary


• deacon conversing with angels
• with Saint Gelasius


Blessed Eufrasio of the Child Jesus

Also known as

Eufrasio Barredo Fernández


Discalced Carmelite priest. Murdered in the religious persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.


8 February 1897 at Cancienes, Asturias, Spain as Eufrasio Barredo Fernández


martyred on 12 October 1934 at Oviedo, Asturias, Spain


28 October 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI


Blessed Roman Sitko

Additional Memorial

12 June as one of the 108 Martyrs of World War II


Priest in the diocese of Tarnów, Poland. Imprisoned, tortured and martyred in the Nazi persecutions.


30 March 1880 in Czarna Sedziszowska, Podkarpackie, Poland


12 October 1942 in Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Malopolskie, occupied Poland


13 June 1999 by Pope John Paul II in Warsaw, Poland


Saint Amelius and Saint Amicus of Mortara

Also known as



Knights in the army of Blessed Charlemagne. Fought in the campaign against the Lombards in northern Italy. Martyrs.


8th century France


773 in Pulchrasilva (modern Mortara, so-called because of the number of people who died there), Pavia, Lombardy, Italy


Blessed José González Huguet


Priest in the archdiocese of Valencia, Spain. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.


23 January 1874 in Alaquás, Valencia, Spain


12 October 1936 in Ribarroja, Valencia, Spain


11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II


Saint Felix


Elderly, semi-paralyzed fifth century bishop in North Africa. In 484, Felix, Saint Cyprian, and 4,964 assorted unnamed parishioners were driven into the Libyan desert by the Arian Vandal King Hunneric. There they were tortured and martyred for their orthodox faith. Their story was recorded by Victor of Utica.




Saint Cyprian


Fifth century bishop in North Africa. In 484, Cyprian, Saint Felix, and 4,964 assorted unnamed parishioners were driven into the Libyan desert by the Arian Vandal King Hunneric. There they were tortured and martyred for their orthodox faith. Their story was recorded by Victor of Utica.




Blessed Juan Osiense


Mercedarian friar at the convent of Santa Maria in Guardia de los Prados, Spain. Noted theologian. Miracle worker.


Santa Maria convent in Guardia de los Prados, Spain of natural causes


Saint Herlindis


Daughter of Count Adelard. Sister of Saint Relindis. Friend of Saint Willibrord of Echternach and Saint Boniface. When the sisters wished to take the veil, their father built them a convent at Maaseyk on the Meuse. Abbess at Maaseyk.


c.745 of natural causes


Saint Relindis


Daughter of Count Adelard. Sister of Saint Herlindis. Friend of Saint Willibrord of Echternach and Saint Boniface. When the sisters wished to take the veil, their father built them a convent at Maaseyk on the Meuse. Abbess at Maaseyk.


c.750 of natural causes


Saint Domnina of Anazarbus

Also known as



Young Christian woman tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Lysias.


in prison in 303 in Anazarbus, Cilicia, Asia Minor


Saint Monas of Milan


Bishop of Milan, Italy for 56 years, serving through many imperial Roman persecutions from 193 until his death.


249 of natural causes


Saint Pantalus of Basle


Bishop of Basle, Switzerland. Martyr.


Saint Salvinus of Verona


Bishop of Verona, Italy.


• 562
• relics in Saint Stephen's church, Verona, Italy


Saint Edistius of Ravenna


Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian.


c.303 in Ravenna, Italy


Saint Evagrius the Martyr




Saint Priscian the Martyr




Martyrs of Arian North Africa


Commemoration of the 4,996 martyrs who died in the persecutions of the Vandals in Africa mandated by the Arian king Huneric. The persecuted Christians include bishops, priests, deacons and thousands of the lay faithful.


483 at various locations in North Africa


Also celebrated but no entry yet

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